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Shaido and Sharans


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That's a great point, it would be hardly shocking for Aiel to go into the columns now and to see their past.  So will it become more of what wise ones see, a whole bunch of futures they may or may not happen?


this is what I suspect, but I wonder what someone would see if they had no children. Would it be possible for them to become Chief or Wise One without that trial?


I am curious what everyone thinks will become of the Sharans and the Shaido.  They are not part of the Dragon's peace so I would think anyone could go fight them or they could attack a nation if they wanted to.  Though seeing how they do not know of the Dragon's Peace I am guessing if they attacked anyone every nation would rise up against them to defend the nation that was attacked.  The Shaido has pretty much started a blood feud with every Aiel clan not to mention all the wetlander hostages they still hold.  The Sharan sided with the DO and fought alongside shadowspawn so will the nations ignore that and leave them alone or go to finish them off? 

I find it disturbing that they are returning to the waste and have a large number of their spears still where every other clan stripped their holds leaving behind only enough for defense.  The Shaido can simply do as they wish but to me it felt as if they had tired of the misdirection and the ruin following Muradin and Savanna led them to.  To me, it felt as if they were returning to their old ways in an attempt to recover and regain what honor they can as a people.  I half expected them to come boiling out of gateways to lend their spears and wise one channelers at some point redeeming themselves but it never happened.


As to the other nations, I'm thinking that the Seanchan are going to be motivated to at least raid them for the channelers and since they are more skilled in battle than the Aes Sedai, these will be used in the later books (those that were planned) allowing Mat and Tuon (I don't do the whole Fortuona bit) to retake Seanchan from the various rebels.  And as has been said, the Seanchan are the only ones that seem to have something of an army remaining to do so.  Too bad the Fists of Heaven and all their crack troops were relegated to only scouting missions, it would have been nice to see bloodknives and such used and to great effect killing enemy channelers early on.   :rolleyes:  


this is what I suspect, but I wonder what someone would see if they had no children. Would it be possible for them to become Chief or Wise One without that trial?



Presumably you see what your nearest future relative sees. So unless all humans are wiped out, there'll be somebody's future for you to piggyback on.


I can't imagine the Shaido have too many spears left, seeing how they were roaming around with women and children it seems as if the Shaido emptied their holds with the intention of never going back.  It is only the seemingly never ending strings of disasters that is convincing them to go back to the waste.  But if you look in the books at how many they have lost (sure some are the brotherless), the Shaido are greatly reduced now and alone.  Eventually they should be easy pickings as they stick to their old way and everyone else advances.  Their wise ones have no knowledge of gateways etc....  And its unlikely anyone is going to teach them anything new, who can they raid?  They attack one clan or even a nation now and the whole Aiel nation an the other nations bound by the dragons peace comes after them, on their own they are no match for the sharanns or the Seanchan.


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