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Welcome Zail!


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Welcome to the Black Tower, Zail! This is where we eat brownies, talk to our own voices and occasionally try to balefire each other. :D Tell us all about yourself. How long have you been reading WoT? Do you have a favourite asha´man? Can you eat with sursa?


You will soon get the key to the rest of the tower. Until then, hang around on the main board and get to know people. 


Welcome to the Black Tower!

Once you have access to the rest of our tower boards please have a look around and sign up for the next Saidin class. You might be able to get in the current class but would need to catch up with the others and not sure how much time you'll have which will likely depend on how long it takes the admins to get you the proper access. Until then have a tainted brownie or two...




And go ahead and wash it down with some liquid taint:



Welcome, welcome.


Have a look around, find out who else lives here, and try not to get into fights before you're properly trained.


Hello all,

Thank you so much for the kind words of welcome.  **Starts munching on brownies**

I am sad to say that I am behind in the Wheel of Time (only halfway through the Gathering Storm), but working hard on finishing up the series.  I don't that I have a favorite asha'man, but if I had to chose I'd say Jur Grady.


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