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Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Nyanna al'Meara

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please don't give me one of Hamlet's quotes. That guy is cray even by my standards.


Edit: Oh and sign me up please!


Hehe, Sherps, though this be madness, yet there is method in't. :tongue:


Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,

Sir, you say well, and well you do conceive,

Ay, every inch a king!


I admit I pieced together different quotes for that, but it works! :D


I'm a king now?!


Don't let it get to your head Sherps it's called a metaphor :tongue:


and, *gasp* course not, Brid! Remember that in Shakespearean that that at least means ADORED, and top of the world at that. D'you want another one?
(say yes then I can do moooaaar verse hunting) :biggrin:



is suckered in


Oops I didnt see this either!!


For you, the classic :DD


Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

Who is already sick and pale with grief,

That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.




Don't let it get to your head Sherps it's called a metaphor :tongue:


and, *gasp* course not, Brid! Remember that in Shakespearean that that at least means ADORED, and top of the world at that. D'you want another one?

(say yes then I can do moooaaar verse hunting) :biggrin:



I do realize I don't know enough about Shakespeare and that I probably just got the best quote.


I'm terrible with finding shakespeare quotes xD


Even though it is part of my school requirement. Ohhh I'm so bad at this.


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