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Ascension RP Planning Thread


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Hahaha - Eb can definitely handle herself. Back in the day she was one of the few that could give him a decent run for his money.


And actually, now that you mention it like that, it would be pretty perfect for her character development, given as the she has definite past issues with the CoL (who hanged her entire little Eb-led street gang)... 


Mehrin - want a side-kick for old time's sake?


CoL peeps - can Eb kill a few of your NPCs/Extras?

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Well I, meaning (sherper) won't mind what you do. But my CotL character (Jeral) certainly would get very cross with you if you suddenly decide to start killing his men. He doesn't hold a grudge against anyone, and would try and take Mehrin alive for questioning if possible, but he will definitely turn hostile if you start doing whatever it is you're planning to do. So basically, beware of consequences.

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For the first meeting between Mehrin and the Children, I'd like it to be sort of a mutual respect thing before the word gets around to all the Children that Mehrin is a person of interest.  It would mostly just be a character-building thing where the two get to know each other to some limited extent before the Powers-That-Be pit them against each other.


That and anything else would result in lots of screaming and blood, and I'd like to kind of build into that a bit more slowly than, "First post, everybody dies!  MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"


... okay, part of me thinks that the screaming and the dying would be awesome, but we're ignoring that part for the time being.

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Ok. but can you explain it a bit more?

For one, will it be you starting a thread with Mehrin's perspective and me following up with Ackley's perspective and such? or something else.

Also, you say you wanted to have some build up before the fighting actually begins. how do you plan to achieve that?

I had originally thought Ackley would be sent out on this mission because he was supposed to hunt down Mehrin. Won't be having a cup of tea with him when they first meet I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you want to post Ackley's PoV, go ahead.  I'm still nailing out some details with Eb, so I can't really get involved until that's fully solved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is mostly going to center around the middle of the continent; I posted that on the North board because it's where the Dreadlord makes his home, and it would have been difficult to set it in any one place.


Anyway, details have been pounded out regarding Eb:


She has been assigned by the Band to keep an eye on Mehrin, making sure he doesn't become a liability.  Her history with the CotL will play against Mehrin's desire to avoid killing anybody when she breaks him loose in the first thread.  From there on, Mehrin and Eb will proceed through the aforementioned RP plot.


Any more questions before we proceed?

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All good. I'm just not sure if I should begin writing Ackley's yet. Been kind of busy, and I haven't been able to get back into Ackley's voice, quite as easily as I thought I could.


But yea, everything sounds good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted Ackley's perspective. I went ahead and assumed some stuff, including Mehrin's description and attire.

I hope the post was alright. I had to do it in kind of a rush, so it might read a bit like a mad man's ramblings.

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You know what the RP needs?  A place to post a basic description of characters that's easier to access than trying to track down a bio.


The only thing that is missing from a plausible description of Mehrin is his leather broad-brimmed hat.  The rest can be hand-waved as, "He had it all packed away.  It was too warm to wear it all.  What is it?  Stop looking at me like that."

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Oh, it's perfectly fine.  Mehrin's always been a combination of obnoxious self-absorbed philosophy, slapstick comedy, and occasional introduction of foreign objects to other people's bodies.  It works with most styles.

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You know what the RP needs?  A place to post a basic description of characters that's easier to access than trying to track down a bio.



Yes. ^ This. *Wanders off and comes back with some copy-paste* Here you go...



Ackley  (As per the approved bio here )

Of average height and build, Ackley is not an intimidating man by any stretch of the
definition. Rumpled golden hair mixed with a tang of brown, he kept his mother’s bright
blue eyes whilst inherited his father’s pointy chin and mischievous grin. He walks with
sure footed confidence and will not hesitate in sharing a laugh with anyone –even if it is a
none too pleased Hundredman after discovering Ackley’s secret wine stash. He carries no
distinguishing battle scars – yet.

Other Description:
 A happy jovial fellow when he was serving in the ranks, he enjoys the simple pleasures
of his life. His time when not on duty, are usually spent drinking or dicing. Little known
fact, Ackley can actually read from before his days as a Child of the light, though he never
mentions it to the others from fear of being alienated by the rest.




Age: Currently about 39-42*

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 275 lbs.
Hair: Dusty blond
Eyes: Brown
Weapons: Bullwhip and oversized claymore
Division: Former Infantry, now Commander (Retired)

Mehrin was born to unknown parents of an unknown nation. He stands 6'3" and weighs 275 pounds, mostly forge-built, battle-hardened muscle. He has short-cropped, dusty blonde hair and brown eyes. His face appears older than his 28* years because of years on the road and the torment of such a life; the knife scar running across his left eye from scalp to upper jaw doesn't help. He dresses in black, mostly leather: black, wide-brimmed hat, black cloak, black vest, black breeches, black boots. On his back, Mehrin carries an oversized claymore that sticks from a slit in his cloak. On his belt, he carries a sixteen-foot bullwhip, once his primary weapon.
 (All taken directly from the bio here - *except for things relating to age, which are based on recent discussion)


Eb ((As per the bio here)

Age of this character: Very late twenties (exact DOB unknown)

Origins:  The Rahad - Ebou Dar, Altara


Physical Description

Skin: Olive/dark tan

Hair: Jet black, very short. Wildly cut/hacked with knives

Eyes: Coal black

Height: Short – 5’2” to 5’3”

Build: Medium to light

Distinguising Features: Incredibly feisty Altaran temper; many scars (most noticeable located on right side of face in elongated ‘S’ from outside corner of eye to bottom side of jaw).

Division: Infantry

Rank: Captain

Weapon of choiceKnives/throwing daggers 

Secondary Weapon: Mace. Double short swords.




Both of your characters and writing styles are fantastic. I'm also looking forward to watching this all pan out!

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I need to edit mine:



Age: Currently about 39-42*

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 275 lbs.
Hair: Dusty blond
Eyes: Brown
Weapons: Bullwhip and oversized claymore
Division: Former Infantry, now Commander (Retired)



Mehrin's body is covered in scars from various sources, but the most obvious one is a long scar from his hairline down across his left eye and lips to his chin.  He wears a black leather greatcoat modified with brackets and straps, which allows him to carry his sword, a massive flamberge, across his back.  On his head he wears a black leather hat with a wide, drooping brim.  He wears fingerless gloves with lead pellets in the knuckles, and he always has at least one more knife than people suspect.  At his waist he carries a twelve-foot bullwhip, the last three feet of which has been braided with small razors, making it a difficult weapon to handle, but utterly devastating when it strikes.

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