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The Song of Albion????


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I posted this before the End of Days, but I don't think anyone had a chance to read it.


In the Stephen Lawhead series "The Song of Albion" the main character, Llew, had his hand cut off and was given a new one made out of pure silver which he used to defeat all evil.


Does anyone think that Rand could also be granted a new hand? And if so could it have powers of its own? I mean come on, heroes can't be maimed. (Jake Barnes being the exception)


And if you got that joke we would get along really well.


i think it's most certainly possible....


and i didn't get that joke, sorry. hope that doesn't mean you dislike me already though.

Guest Majsju

Nynaeve will try to grow Rand's hand back. But because she hasn't done enough research, she will instead grow a bouquet of roses from his stump.


The hand is gone, get over it.

Guest cwestervelt

That is a relatively standard part of anything that draws on Celtic and associated mythology. It would depend on if Rand is based in part on Nudd/Nuada, as I believe Llew was in the Song of Albion. It's been a while since I read that series though.


You had the same thing in the Dragonlance Chronicles where the smith's arm was cut of and a new one forged out of silver I think it was.


That said, it's a common plot line so I would almost prefer that it does not occur.

Guest Admiral

Its all really open ended, anything could happen. But no i think that rand shall not re-grow his hand, but rather it will become a sore focus for all his failure, and drive him to tru insanity.


the only thing that has any place on a hand-stump is a hook, end of story.


if it were to be healed back, i think it would be by semirhage. but i don't think it will. i hope it won't.

Guest Majsju
  \ said:
the only thing that has any place on a hand-stump is a hook' date=' end of story.[/quote']


Or a hand puppet. In the shape of a female trolloc, who just happen to look exactly like SH's mum, so when Rand pulls out the puppet, SH will get all nostalgic and weepy, so that Rand can kill him :D

  \ said:
the only thing that has any place on a hand-stump is a hook' date=' end of story.[/quote']


Or a hand puppet. In the shape of a female trolloc, who just happen to look exactly like SH's mum, so when Rand pulls out the puppet, SH will get all nostalgic and weepy, so that Rand can kill him :D


i think it would be funnier for it to be a puppet of lews therin. then rand could make his friends and followers direct their conversation to the puppet. "i'm rand al'thor. he's the dragon, not me......... what's that? i'm sorry, you'll have to address all questions to lews therin. ah-ah, talk to the puppet! only the puppet can help you."


alivia would gladly ,help him die then alright, and i don't think min would feel nearly so bad about it.

Guest cwestervelt

This is starting to sound like Fozzy Bear in "The Muppet Treasure Island."


Cap'n Smollet (Kermit): "Who hired this crew?"

Fozzy Bear: "Mr. Bimble," while pointing at finger.

Smollet: "Your finger hired the crew???"

Fozzy: "No. The man who lives in my finger..."


Not exact, but close enough.

Guest Majsju

Too bad Asmo died, he would have made an excellent Mr Slave :lol:


A few weeks ago my friend spoiled me by telling me Rand looses his hand (I was only on Book 10) and thought that he should get one made of cullendor (sp?). That would be pretty awesome because he wouldn't even need a sword! He could just crush things with his hand.

Guest Admiral

Jesus, thats actually not a bad idea.


First of all, a hand of iron would have to be made and somehow attached to his arm. Second, it would have to be changed into cullendor. And then Rand would have to channel everytime he wanted to move it (unless some sort of wonder-weave is descovered to allow cullendor to be manipulated by willpower).


Messy, but it could work.

Guest cwestervelt

At least it woud get stronger every time you channel into it.


The technical details are something the legends kinda gloss over. After all, Nudd/Nuada/Llew's hand was silver but it was also as functional as a real hand. It is usually some supernatural occurance that causes it to appear.

pg-13. and tmi!


yeah, i just couldn't resist. that joke was too easy. as for the pg-13, most kids see and hear worse at school anyway. most of them are saying worse themselves, if memory serves. but yes, yes, i know....


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