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To wield or not to wield...?


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So, I'm just curious-'cause I haven't managed to dig anything up on it in the wiki-can a warder specialize in hand-to-hand or must he wield a weapon as his/her primary martial discipline? Like, could Tywin have something similar to brass knuckles for his main weapon?

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It would have a lot of disadvantages, you are correct. I'm just trying to get a feel for what would be a natural martial path for him. He has done some street fighting so hand-to-hand would be something he would relate to easily...

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I would think he could easily pick it as a secondary weapon if you will, make him very formidable in uses as a recon unit, entering a city to search out information, keep him where he could hold his own in a brawl, and able to defend himself without a weapon if he has to relinquish his weapon to enter a particular place.

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This is true. He'd have to be built way different to take on a trolloc hand to hand (less like a runner, more like a hulk) ...


Do we have an accepted weapons list? I mean, no chakrams and the like obviously, but a list of everything beyond swords, knives, daggers, and bows?

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We used to, I don't know if we still do. Basically any Western European Medieval weapon plus a few Eastern descent... 


Knives could easily be a Primary weapon, look at Thom for an example of that and then perhaps do unarmed as a Secondary. 

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Yeah. I'm trying to do research into a form to model it after. MAC training is good for the shorter, stubbier combat knife-but long knives is throwing me for a loop.

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Look into medieval and renaissance dagger fighting, has some of the best stuff i know, much of it still useful for the street today.


Some of The sources, if you don't mind wading through old treatises :) some are not fully translated or not uploaded as this is a work in progress to catalogue all that stuff, mich of it relatively obscure. Feel free to look at the swod stuff too ;)




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I Messers are awesome. I'm have trouble finding demo videos for dual wielding them. Messer and shield seem to be the more common pairing. I like them though, so I may just mod the style...

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There's that pesky wrist in the way... essentially would you use that as a slashing weapon or a thrusting weapon primarily. Those swords you showed are slashing weapons by design, and that's what makes me think they're swords. That isn't to say you can thrust or slash with the other type, but it isn't their strength.

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I was thinking in terms of enemies we were fighting. Leather is prolly close to the best for a warder unless they know that they are going to be in battle-less dealing with fatigue and all the joys of wearing heavy armor.

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