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May Stats


Recommended Posts


Moon 130

Basel 75

Eternal Phoenix 38

Nae 81

Panchi 75

Eli 33

Barm 62

BG 55

Cindy 153

Cosmic Panda 33

Despo 33

Hax 33

Sakaea 33

Kivam 33

Nicana 33

Mish 62

Nicana 5

Sakaea 5

Total: 939 




Lolguy 40

Dap 47

Cyan 15

Ishy 112

Taltos 15

Vam 37

Kath 45

Ed 10

Thorkin 5

Tigraine 5

Arez 5

Gerrendus 5

Sorcha 5

Total: 346




Leelou 5

Rand 12

Starrik 82

Kronos 72

Nyneave 10

Tina 45

Katiora 20

Froggy 55

Heart 20

Verbal 5

Wombat 5

Total: 331




Lily 104

RTE 112

Maurelle 30

Hally 32

Csarmi 37

BB 22

TG 22

Darthe 30

Elevia 10

Cloud 5

Total: 404




million 10

DIce 42

tayla 22

Tigraine 22

 Razen 22

Tiinker 22

Len 22

peace 22



Congratulations to Cindy and the Black Ajah....


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basd on the staats, can resonbly correlate blackk ajah has 2-3 tiems much enthusism and/or activty as anyoen else lol

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basd on the staats, can resonbly correlate blackk ajah has 2-3 tiems much enthusism and/or activty as anyoen else lol

As a rule, shadowspawn generally don't get very enthusiastic about things that can't be despoiled, killed, and/or eaten (and not always in that order).

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apparently we're earning points in fugue states,

In Ishy's case, it's more likely due to the effects of ingesting copious amounts of ethanol.
it was a euphemism.
Euphemisms are usually supposed to sound less scary than the truth.
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th cue then to earrn points is thn not do anythng? thiink taht wil be my new stratgy - cant earnn me any less at least

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