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I blame it on the Moonlight...


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because today was WACKO! You would not believe it! 


My day started at 4:15 this morning, when a coughing fit drug me out of bed in search of cough drops and water. At 4:30, Tadpole woke up screaming and only a cuddle with soft music got her back to sleep. I crawled back into bed at 5:00. My alarm went off at 5:30. My brain didn't want to hear it, though, and I kept hitting the snooze until 6 (read: I am now 15 minutes late). Get everyone (except Tadpole) up and eating breakfast, get Peanut's clothes together and laid out for her by 6:15. Then I get started on getting myself ready. 


My husband leaves at 6:45 (read: he's 15 minutes late, too) after fighting Peanut to get ready all morning. When he leaves, she's still chewing on her vitamin and hasn't brushed her teeth. I manage to get her to eat the vitamin and start on her teeth when Tadpole starts screaming again. (enter blah blah about normal getting things started in the morning here). Fast forward twenty minutes. We are ready to head out the door... I ask Peanut to get her shoes. <-- BIG MISTAKE! 


You see, last night, Peanut "cleaned" her room. Now, for those of you who either don't have a 5 year old or it's been a while, let me help you. When they "clean" their room, it roughly translates to "shove it all in a box and hide the box somewhere." Unfortunately, even though she knows where the shoes go, they were included in the "cleaning" process. So, when I asked her to get her shoes, she can only find one. We spend an extra twenty minutes hunting for the lost shoe, while Tadpole screams her head off. I am now 30 minutes late leaving. 


I am hurrying them out of the house. I pick Tadpole up in my left hand, urging Peanut out with the right. She stops to hold open the door (awesome!) and I pull the door shut behind me and locks it, telling her to let go of the door and head for the truck. She doesn't. I tell her again. She still doesn't. Repeat this a few more times, because it's fun. She finally moves... at the same time I try to get past her. Her foot gets out in front of mine and I trip over her foot. Now, I have one of those super-Mom moments, where a thousand things are flying through my head and only one of them is WTH? (I'm kinda proud of myself for that!) I manage to twist my left side backwards to keep the Tadpole from falling, then reach my right hand out to keep me from falling over and pushing her into the sidewalk that I just bent backwards to keep her from hitting.


Yeah... OW. The good news is that Tadpole is fine. She thought it was fun and giggled like crazy. Peanut? Ah, the wisdom of a five year old, "I didn't know Moms could fall!" Which apparently means, after living with me for 5 years, she still hasn't figured out what a clutz I am. hahahaha


So, enter a rush to the day care to drop everyone off (I even remembered to grab Tadpole's tricycle! GO ME!) and start the rush to my own school. I get on the single most busy road on my trip and start coughing again. It gets better! I cough so much I toss up cookies... in the car... while I'm driving... yeah. Great. 


I get to school... somehow managing to only be 5 minutes late (stars were shining on me for a minute!). Everything goes relatively smoothly until about 11, when the school next door to us experiences a fire in their attic space and have to evacuate their building. They actually have to evacuate for the day and start dismissing students from our building. Since they don't want all that traffic in the hallways, they lock our building down until everyone gets settled. My kids get 30 extra minutes of Art. Heck, I even got in the room before they locked us down, so I got Art time today, too! At 11:30, they let us go back to our rooms, but we're still on a "move only if you have to" routine. We have to eat lunch in our classrooms and no recess. Have you ever tried to keep twenty-seven ten year olds from climbing the walls because they can't get outside? It's fun. *coughs* I tossed in Stomp Out Loud, called it Science (we just finished studying Sound... it worked). 


The rest of the day goes well enough. I have Physical Therapy at 5 and I think I fell asleep when she laid hot pads under me. It was lovely, if short. 


Now, just in case this wasn't great enough, I did it all with a migraine that is about to put me to bed with an Imitrex. 




Now, there's a full moon in a few days and I'm totally laying it on Manny (the Man in the Moon...). It's HIS fault! Who else is experiencing the pull of the moon this week? 

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I feel your pain. today was back and forth good and bad. I got hired for a new job working at a school and they require that I get a shot for part of the hiring process (tb test) so I left to drive into town to get it (I greatly dislike shots and needles, they freak me out). I got caught in traffic on the way there but luckily I made it in time for my appointment... so I thought. I walk inside the building and it's no longer a medical clinic but is now a store that sells ice cream cones. Turns out that the address I was given by the school is no longer correct as the clinic moved to a different part of town. fortunately an employee told me this happens all the time there since it is newly opened, and were able to tell me how to get to the new location. I ended up making it to the correct place (and no i didn't buy any ice cream) and got my shot (did i mention i don't like needles?). after that the rest of the day went pretty smooth. i agree, it must be the moon! 

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... I saw the title of this thread and instantly got "blame it on the boogie" stuck in my head!


and I half wanna say "quit blamin stuff on me!" but then I noticed Lor is blaming the man in the moon. 


I'm cool with that. 



I really should be more active here in the Kin. 

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