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The Gauntlet


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Alright people!


We need to develop a gauntlet that we can put up on the wiki for future trainingl this will accomplish different objectives. Balance, speed, endurance, pain tolerance, and all that fun stuff. In the past, only Ren'Shai could run the Gauntlet but I'm opening it up to all paths and disciplines. Trainees, only those with a WS 3 or 4, can run this because it will require a person with fitness and the basic movements to make it through.


For now, each one of you, can you please give me an idea of one specific section of the gauntlet? A rolling log? Spinning blades? Oil-slicked ropes? Toss your idea and be a little detailed of how it works. If you want to give more than 1 idea, feel free! I will review all of them and make it work together.


We'll need about 5 sections. Maybe 6.


Thanks all!!

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Some elementally themed suggestions: A narrow corridor, say a pace wide, filled with straw dummies soaked with oil that are set alight; you have to run through it, slashing as you go but fast enough that you aren't suffocated by the smoke or burned badly by the flames. Trial by Fire Might be a bit lethal for a training expercise but would be cool to pull off :D


And of course conversely, there could be some sort of trial by water for the Water Path people: swimming through a dangerous current with lots of hard, floating objects and rocks, like swimming in a rapids part of a river (maybe a stream flowing into the Erinen north of the city would serve for this?) with nothing but a kick board to use.


Then maybe something under cover of darkness or with a blindfold on, when you can't see anything and have to move quickly through a field with opponents or obstacles, and rely on your other senses to get you through. Then of course, there's the old fashioned run through a gauntlet of rough and ready trainees armed with lathes, and you have to dodge through and try not to get hit too much. Or better yet, run through and try to protect someone from getting hit. If you stall you get bruised badly or have to do it all over again.

Edited by Visar Falmaien
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