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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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I don't think you played in Samuraiflip's Legend mafia, did you?

I loved that game. I was the head honco for the mafia team. We kicked arse. 


Of course, I'll always remember my first. hahahaha. Pete ran a game in SG called Mafia Revolution. Twas great. 

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Really now? They just know the name and a vague reputation? 

That sucks for them. 


Julius Caesar Mafia and Chrono's Death Note Mafia are two other big games I remember. 

I was the Lie Detector in Rey's game, and we ended up changing the whole dynamic of the LD. 

And in Chronos' game, I totally lied to Al Jenn to win. I felt bad... but mafia. Gotta do what you gotta do. 

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DPR is mafia god :P


Oh and I had this awesome idea of starting this game "dm's greatest mafia mods" I just don't know all of the mods


Indeed he is, his games are fantastic! And complicated and great fun and damn confusing!

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