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PS4 Revealed Today.


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Damn it all Sony I don't even have a PS3 yet and now you are coming out with another new system! Gah


All and all though if Sony wants my busniess to continue they'll need to start making the systems backwards compatable. My brother's ps3, which is what I currently play games on, isn't to the PS2 and that's a real annoyance to me. Since I want to play things like Kingdom Hearts and FFX and I can't on the PS3. *sigh*

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Damn it all Sony I don't even have a PS3 yet and now you are coming out with another new system! Gah


All and all though if Sony wants my busniess to continue they'll need to start making the systems backwards compatable. My brother's ps3, which is what I currently play games on, isn't to the PS2 and that's a real annoyance to me. Since I want to play things like Kingdom Hearts and FFX and I can't on the PS3. *sigh*

You need to get a launch version ps3 then, not the new one if you want to be able to play yoru old ps2 games... Or just get a ps2. :tongue:

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SD - i dont get how thats a problem? the social media thing.


@ Chuckles - new releases for gamming consoles are recession proof. if its released less than $700 USD Sony will sell the bajeezus out of it. and this black friday will be one to stay away from. least you want to get shot, trampled and/or robbed; even if you're not purchasing the new console.



i really wish they wouldn't release these things on black friday. its already the worst shopping day; add in a new console and the angst goes triple threat. didnt a few peopel actually die during the black friday Wii release in 07?




@ Rasheta - the ps3 is 7 years old now; its on par with their release trend for consoles. and as SD said, you want backwards compatable, track down the original release ps3. mine plays ps2 games like a champ and as good as the ps3 games. the reason why the slims aren't backwards compatable for ps2 games (but are for playstation games) is because the original release basically had ps2 hardware internally. they removed that hardware to "slim" the console down in both bulk and cost.





If you're looking for a fun split-screen co-op shooter that can be played offline: Borderlands 2

i dont like shooters, or sports games (as previously stated). which is why i bitch about the lack of offline co-op games available.
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SD - i dont get how thats a problem? the social media thing. 



Your not into connecting your ps3 to the internet...

This should have made you jump out of your skin.


It examines everything about your gaming habits.

Your facebook stuffs, ect,

And off of that, it determines what games you would like, and then proceeds to download them onto your precious hard-drive space so if you buy it you can play it right away.


Dunno about you, but I don't want my bandwith being hogged by my Ps4, attempting to download a game, I'm actually not interested in buying at all. Hopefully this feature can be turned off...

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i'm just not into iinteractive gamming and dont WANT to be plugged in 24/7. and like a few others said. i'm old school; if i want to play multi-player, i want the other person in the room with me. i wish there were more console co-op games that we're shooters and sports games *sigh* i mean, RPGs for instance, most of them are perfect for co-op, but only have the online co-op as the flamming option.


In which case I'll assume your we're was an autocorrected weren't, as it were.

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@ Mat - yep that was auto corrected *nods*






SD - i dont get how thats a problem? the social media thing. 

Your not into connecting your ps3 to the internet...

This should have made you jump out of your skin.


It examines everything about your gaming habits.

Your facebook stuffs, ect,

And off of that, it determines what games you would like, and then proceeds to download them onto your precious hard-drive space so if you buy it you can play it right away.


Dunno about you, but I don't want my bandwith being hogged by my Ps4, attempting to download a game, I'm actually not interested in buying at all. Hopefully this feature can be turned off...

it came from me not understanding it tbh. you put it that way.




nothing at all posative to say abotu that

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You can always disconnect or powerdown the console if that is an issue.

I'd rather there be an option to disable that, then have to resort to disconnecting it.


And if its anything like remote play, it'll probably download it, while the thing is 'turned off'. (standby). Short of unplugging it, (or removing it from the internet (wireless)  is not something i'd do. I'd rather not hvae to unplug the thing completely, everytime I'm done using it, to not use that feature.

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