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February Sign in Chatter


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They're beautiful, Taltos!!! I LOVE THEM!! Do they grow on a bush or a tree? I can't tell from the picture how tall those are, but they look like bushes. 


(this might have to be a newbie in my garden. Wonder if I can get them on this side of the pond...)

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lol som peple call it a big shrub, othres a tree - I liek to call it a tree. The flowers gro on the plant caled a blackthorn: hres a bit older blackthorn.




It gros fruit too, whch yuo generly pick in autumn - its prety bittre so wahtevre yuo use it for dessrt/jam wise, yuor goin to need lot of sugar lol.

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Interesting! I agree, it looks prettier as a tree! 


I did some digging and WOW... that's an interesting little plant! They use the fruit in sloe gin (which is not a true gin, but a vodka infusion...) and it has "savage thorns" as wikipedia puts it.  I also found the "Celtic meaning" of the tree as a symbol here: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/celtic-meaning-blackthorn-tree.html (the short version is as a portent of strife to come, though the promise of a much sweeter time after the strife has passed). 



Sadly, can't seem to find it for sale anywhere online. I found a set of seeds here, but without information about where it's coming from, I'm not throwing money in there. They do calculate postage with the USPS rates, so it's got to be over on this side of the pond somewhere (probably the NE part of the country). 



*smiles* So, it seems you've given me something rare and intriguing for my birthday! *hugs and smooches* THANKS! 

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