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Safia al-Maaz

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Ok, I'm new here and I don't really understand how things work. I don't want to get red-flagged for breaking a rule or something that I didn't know was there. Are there any Dos and Don'ts I should know about? I have already read some of the posts and announcements, but I still don't completely understand. Especially some of the abreviations. For example, RP I think it was? and ORG? And what about those picture underneath your names and posts? I hope I don't sound completely stupid :oops: If there is anything else that I should know please tell me because I feel extremely lost. Thanks!

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Welcome to DM.


RP stands for "role-play". Its where you pretend to be a character in the WoT setting.


Org is short for "Organization". They are like little online clubs organized along a WoT theme. Each Org has an Org Leader (I'm the Org Leader of the White Tower) who would be happy to explain exactly how they work.


The pictures to the side and bottom of your posts are your avatar and signature, respectively. The guidelines for how large they can be are in a sticky on this board. The Illuminators Org would be happy to help you find one if you'd like. They made my ever so pretty signature.


Most of us are pretty forgiving of newbie mistakes and questions. Ask questions, lurk a bit and don't be afraid of us. You'll do fine. =)

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No, you don't have to join an Org, but I recomend doing that. They should all have some sort of structure in place for guiding newbies and helping them get acclimated. For example, in the White Tower, the Mistress of Novices will assign you a mentor, who is there is answer your questions and make sure you have a friend right away.


As for a recomendation, I'd say "White Tower!", but I'm obviously biased. =) Look around on their message boards to see if any of them interest you. You can join as many as you want and no one will feel bad if you don't pick them.

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Sure, they can do that for you. Or you can say "I want something!" and they'll present you with choices. I have no idea why they are so nice. =)


Your signature goes under your post. Its like signing a letter with your name and any titles you've earned. Your avatar goes next to your post. Its supposed to be a little picture that you think represents you. You are welcome to change these when ever you wish.

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Hello Safia... I see that Kathana has already shown you the ropes (and roped you in :wink: )


Hope you have a great time on Dragonmmount and good luck with your career in the White Tower :D

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