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I just wanted to say hi. It's been a while since i've RPed here. Years actually. But i'm coming back. Looking at the three fold land RP forum it looks fairly uneventful here. If I make an Aiel, will there be much activity? 

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That would depend on the quality of your bio and how realistic you make it. Most aiel will not leave the waste so you'd have to have a really good and convincing reason for him too. And let us know where you'd be goin with the idea.


If it has something to do with the last book I've not finished it just yet so if appreciate if you would direct further final book plot stuff to mystica, the group leader, who has finished the book. :).

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Make it convincing for and realistic for your character have done it and it shall be done :). Read through the aiel info on the website and that will give you all you need to know about why we expect in the bio and of your new character.

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hi there Wedge. Welcome back. As Kathleen said, it would depend on the bio and where you want to take the character. If he's a warrior Aiel, he would by definition belong to a society. Make sure your bio is realistic within the WOT/Aiel world and culture. I'm not opposed to special situations, so long as they are believable, realistic and truthfull to the culture and the world in which we operate.

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