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Time Management Suggestions

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Hello everyone!


I am AesSedaiGuy, ASG is fine.


I am new here to DM and an Aspie in the WT/W SG. I am in House Ospenya. I am currently a Wolfpup and in the WT/DM class with Hallia, in which Dors is doing a great job of teaching us the ropes.


I wanted to start a thread because I know many of you are busy with work, school, family, and/or LIFE.

I know for me, I joined over the Winter Holidays, and returning to work has left me with less time than I had during the break. I wanted to hear and discuss with any members, what suggestions or solutions you have in regards to time management and DM or WT participation. Realistic suggestions and solutions, please ... Quitting work, dropping out of school, etc. aren't going to happen. lol More, I am looking for ways to be an active DM/WT participant, while also being a professional, responsible adult in my RL.


I know everyone is busy reading AMOL or attending the White Winter Carnival, but if you get a chance, or are interested ... please post as many times as you have suggestions, solutions or something to contribute. :)


No Spam please, and thanks for everyone who contributes!


PS-I have felt incredibly welcomed by everyone here-thank you!

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I am perhaps either the worst or the best to dscuss this. I'm a Social group leader, ajah head, captain general, and faction leader. (Aka I do a lot).


That being said, I also don't work or have school, but I do spend my days writing and my morning at the gym. (Hello from the treadmill).


My best advice is don't try to read it all. Find what you like, read and respond to only. Few threads, and stick with it. I don't read everything. I have neither the time or patience. And, wake up earlier and mobile dm. Get your fix while you can.

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I am returning to work after 5 months off due to spinal surgery.  My one thing that really helps (although not realistic for all) is I have a housekeeper come in for a couple of hours weekly.  Even once per month would help.  I check in on my phone multiple times per day.  I go to my favorite places here.  I love DM, am reading AMoL and need to work too!


I also try to grocery shop and menu plan on the weekends.... do anything to free up time during the week.

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I dnt haev a job riht now so mab not best to sa y, but recntly a lot of medicl activity, i.e. chemo, cuonsling, physicl and spech therapy, taek up mst thre out of five weekdys alot - I cnt realy acces DM in th mornin on thos days becus of chemo excpt befor it early mornin, whiel I haev th othre therpies spacd in th aftrenon so taht I only haev abou t 30 minuts betwen to us computre, so I cn only gt on a lot now, towar th evning, on such days. Tht is moer than enogh, I thnk, to hit yuor reqs an d take lok at thngs taht interest yuo or anything - not like thy demnd yuo to be glud on computr day and noght lol, so as lon g as jst accss a litle bit each day, or dosnt evn haev to be each day cuold be evry othrs dau, no prorblems.

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I am perhaps either the worst or the best to dscuss this. I'm a Social group leader, ajah head, captain general, and faction leader. (Aka I do a lot).

That being said, I also don't work or have school, but I do spend my days writing and my morning at the gym. (Hello from the treadmill).

My best advice is don't try to read it all. Find what you like, read and respond to only. Few threads, and stick with it. I don't read everything. I have neither the time or patience. And, wake up earlier and mobile dm. Get your fix while you can.

Thx, Chrissy, and you ARE everywhere! I learned that over the Break, you were like first person I talked to in every section. LOL


I like the "pick and stick" method as I'll call it ... Pick some fave threads/topics and stick with them. Good idea!

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I am returning to work after 5 months off due to spinal surgery.  My one thing that really helps (although not realistic for all) is I have a housekeeper come in for a couple of hours weekly.  Even once per month would help.  I check in on my phone multiple times per day.  I go to my favorite places here.  I love DM, am reading AMoL and need to work too!


I also try to grocery shop and menu plan on the weekends.... do anything to free up time during the week.

That does sound nice, only problem is I think my wife would have something to say if I told her I wanted to bring on a housekeeper so I could keep up with DM. I think DM would lose one of its newest members. LOL


Joking aside, thanks Ryrin. Keeping up with favorite places seems to be a theme. My ADD doesn't help, and like you, the more I am on DM, the better I like and enjoy it!


Thx again, Ryrin!

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I dnt haev a job riht now so mab not best to sa y, but recntly a lot of medicl activity, i.e. chemo, cuonsling, physicl and spech therapy, taek up mst thre out of five weekdys alot - I cnt realy acces DM in th mornin on thos days becus of chemo excpt befor it early mornin, whiel I haev th othre therpies spacd in th aftrenon so taht I only haev abou t 30 minuts betwen to us computre, so I cn only gt on a lot now, towar th evning, on such days. Tht is moer than enogh, I thnk, to hit yuor reqs an d take lok at thngs taht interest yuo or anything - not like thy demnd yuo to be glud on computr day and noght lol, so as lon g as jst accss a litle bit each day, or dosnt evn haev to be each day cuold be evry othrs dau, no prorblems.

Yeah, I know we've talked in many different places, and your commitment actually inspires me Talt. I was especially impressed when you or raised and how welcoming and active you are inside WT/W SG. I am really impressed you to all your requirements done in 30 minute segments. I get distracted and wander around too much, it seems. I think I tend to be a "feast or famine" kind of member, but discipline to steady interaction on a few threads seems realistic and key.


Thanks or the feedback, Talt!

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Tell her you are getting the housekeeper for her!!!

Well of course it would be for her, but if we got a housekeeper and I didn't take her out more, we'd have a problem. lol


Plus, I would probably be spending more time with her, which I would love, but she's not into fantasy, so I couldn't get her to interact with me on DM. :)

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I have to prioritize a lot.

Aaaaand that's all I've got for now. cheeseeni.gif

Yes, prioritization. My problem is I want to prioritize and read EVERYTHING! :)


That's also why the wife would get more time if we had a housekeeper ... lol ... Priorities!


Thanks Mirshann!

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I am perhaps either the worst or the best to dscuss this. I'm a Social group leader, ajah head, captain general, and faction leader. (Aka I do a lot).

That being said, I also don't work or have school, but I do spend my days writing and my morning at the gym. (Hello from the treadmill).

My best advice is don't try to read it all. Find what you like, read and respond to only. Few threads, and stick with it. I don't read everything. I have neither the time or patience. And, wake up earlier and mobile dm. Get your fix while you can.

Thx, Chrissy, and you ARE everywhere! I learned that over the Break, you were like first person I talked to in every section. LOL


I like the "pick and stick" method as I'll call it ... Pick some fave threads/topics and stick with them. Good idea!


I'm not everywhere, I'm just REALLY active and kind of a bigwig everywhere that I am.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I dnt haev a job riht now so mab not best to sa y, but recntly a lot of medicl activity, i.e. chemo, cuonsling, physicl and spech therapy, taek up mst thre out of five weekdys alot - I cnt realy acces DM in th mornin on thos days becus of chemo excpt befor it early mornin, whiel I haev th othre therpies spacd in th aftrenon so taht I only haev abou t 30 minuts betwen to us computre, so I cn only gt on a lot now, towar th evning, on such days. Tht is moer than enogh, I thnk, to hit yuor reqs an d take lok at thngs taht interest yuo or anything - not like thy demnd yuo to be glud on computr day and noght lol, so as lon g as jst accss a litle bit each day, or dosnt evn haev to be each day cuold be evry othrs dau, no prorblems.

Yeah, I know we've talked in many different places, and your commitment actually inspires me Talt. I was especially impressed when you or raised and how welcoming and active you are inside WT/W SG. I am really impressed you to all your requirements done in 30 minute segments. I get distracted and wander around too much, it seems. I think I tend to be a "feast or famine" kind of member, but discipline to steady interaction on a few threads seems realistic and key.


Thanks or the feedback, Talt!

I know exactly what you mean about the 'feast or famine thing'.  Also, being ADD doesn't help at all.  I'm new here also and the ideas here are really helping out. 

Thanks for starting the thread Guy!!

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I dnt haev a job riht now so mab not best to sa y, but recntly a lot of medicl activity, i.e. chemo, cuonsling, physicl and spech therapy, taek up mst thre out of five weekdys alot - I cnt realy acces DM in th mornin on thos days becus of chemo excpt befor it early mornin, whiel I haev th othre therpies spacd in th aftrenon so taht I only haev abou t 30 minuts betwen to us computre, so I cn only gt on a lot now, towar th evning, on such days. Tht is moer than enogh, I thnk, to hit yuor reqs an d take lok at thngs taht interest yuo or anything - not like thy demnd yuo to be glud on computr day and noght lol, so as lon g as jst accss a litle bit each day, or dosnt evn haev to be each day cuold be evry othrs dau, no prorblems.


Yeah, I know we've talked in many different places, and your commitment actually inspires me Talt. I was especially impressed when you or raised and how welcoming and active you are inside WT/W SG. I am really impressed you to all your requirements done in 30 minute segments. I get distracted and wander around too much, it seems. I think I tend to be a "feast or famine" kind of member, but discipline to steady interaction on a few threads seems realistic and key.

Thanks or the feedback, Talt!

I know exactly what you mean about the 'feast or famine thing'.  Also, being ADD doesn't help at all.  I'm new here also and the ideas here are really helping out. 

Thanks for starting the thread Guy!!

Welcome Isaboe. I have seen you around, but we've never chatted. I didn't know you were new too. :)


I hear you RE: the ADD also. This thread has been most helpful as well. I'm glad you benefited as well.

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