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NO SPOILERS don't blow me. up. just my reflection on the wheel.


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Hi guys. Clu7ch here. Yeah, the annoying guy who properly placed Bela on her pedastal. 


As I promised in the title, I have no spoilers for you, just a simple reflection. 


Dragonmount has been my home away from home - it's where I've come to post, read, theorize, plot, debate, and chat about this great passion of mine. I don't exactly know what will happen now that the series is at a ending. Theorizing can sort of seem idle or silly. I'm willing to see what the fans can do for it though. 


I'm not a tried and true veteran. I picked up on dragonmount around the time of winters heart being released. 


Regardless, this is - more than a reflection - a thank you to the dragonmount community. A group of people brought together by a common interest (that being - an uncommon obsession with a work of literature) There are those out there who criticize and judge Brandon's work as a writer on the project, those who hate and ramble on about why such and such was wrong, and I'm sure they'll be out in force after people have digested this book. [Removed] and those of you who appreciate it for what IT is, can continue to be my friends. 


What Mr. Sanderson did for us was simple: he gave us closure, because those dearest to RJ thought he could do the job best. In my opinion, no other could have come close. 


Thank you for a great series. Thank you for the Wheel of Time

Thanks goes to Brandon, Robert, Harriet, Team Jordan, EVERYONE here at DM, and Bela. (may she live forever)


Surely this would go better in the quality discussion thread? Regardless still not understanding how some equate literary analysis with "hate"? There is no finer compliment one can pay an author than a careful study of his work. Brandon does some things very well and has received more a huge amount of praise for it. Turning a blind eye to the faults helps no one however, and the faults are very real. What critique doesn't do is make anyone less grateful for the work Beandon had done on this project. He stepped up to the plate and took a huge swing.


Suttree, it has been pointed out that the criticism goes beyond simple literary criticism. Many dance around directly saying that they understand these books better than BS himself therefore he makes it less of a book.



Suttree, it has been pointed out that the criticism goes beyond simple literary criticism. Many dance around directly saying that they understand these books better than BS himself therefore he makes it less of a book.

Nah, you can count on one hand the people who have gone overboard and have been unfair to Brandon here. Not sure what your point is about people thinking they know the book better? The flaws(in quality of writing and otherwise) are very real and many have even been admitted by Team Jordan, it has nothing to do with anyone thinking they know the book better. Too many people simply have a problem with any dissenting viewpoint. There quite literally has only been one regular here who has taken things too far. That is nothing compared to the hyperbole from the other side that are upset the flaws are being pointed out.


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