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To Bind Your Soul to Another...


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Taltos, you’re the first person I got to know when I returned to DM after a long break. I wasn't expecting a warm welcome. But you accepted me immediately into the group.



You were trying to organize the summer Olympics event at the time, and it seemed an impossible task with only 4 active members in the sub board. I watched from the sidelines for a while, following my lifelong rule of never volunteering for anything. I wasn't going to touch those Olympics. 



But when I saw how indefatigable you were, determined that even if noone else helped, that you were going to make that event a success… it made me ashamed of myself, and I jumped in and did what little I could.  



So I first got to know you as a leader.  I admired the way you took charge, the way you organized the chaos with which you were presented, didn't flag in the face of almost certain failure… and by example, got everyone around you involved…. You succeeded in something I never thought could be done.



And during those sometimes grueling, sometimes fun weeks… I got to know you as a person, and as a friend.



There are so many things I appreciate about you, Taltos, and it’s so hard to put some of them into words.  I've told you many times that I admire your intelligence, your gifts for writing, language, philosophy, physics, art… but these things aren't what make you dear to me. I’ll not detail the things we have in common, the ways we’re… different from other people.  We’re also very different from one another, in some seemingly important ways..  Yet, it still surprises me how much we understand each other, without ever having to put some things into words.



You touch my heart.



You've been a real friend to me.  You've accepted me as I am, and never made me feel like I had to change, or be anything but what I am to please you.   I know I’m not easy to deal with a lot of the time, but even at my worst… you have always been purely accepting, supportive, and kind.



And yet you are never dishonest.  Your friendship is real; I never have any reason to distrust anything you say because you have no other agenda.  If something I say or do bothers you, you tell me about it.  Not to hurt me or to change me but simply because you don’t lie. 



Since we met, you've taken some brutal hits.  Your life was never easy, but in the past few months you've gone through hell.  I've watched you fight and fall and stand and fight again… and I've been mostly unable to help, and sometimes I think maybe made things worse for you.



No matter what, though… no matter what you've gone through, no matter what has happened to you or how miserable you've been, how much physical and emotional pain you've been in… you have not let one single day pass without asking me… how my day was, how I’m doing.  Not once.



And you have listened to my day to day silliness, my… I can’t even call them problems, but the things I let myself become upset about… and you've never made me feel at all silly about them.  You’re always there for me, you've always done what you could to lift my spirits even when your own were… so low I don’t know how you could think of anyone else at all. But you've made sure I know that you care about me. 



I don’t know how I could find anything to dislike about you. How can I dislike someone who’s only ever shown me friendship?

It hurts me when you hurt yourself. But I know I cause you the same pain when I hurt myself.  I wish I could make you stop. But I know I can’t. Any more than you can stop me.



Watching you has at least given me some idea of the pain I cause those who care about me when I spiral down and do myself harm.  You've helped me learn to consider the effect my own despair has on others before I let it take hold of me.



I could go on for days and not touch the surface of what you mean to me.



But I’ll just end with… thank you for being who you are, and for accepting who I am.



Thank you for being my friend.

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This is going to be so unSG like but I don't care.


I was wondering when and where you two were going to bond. I kept looking for it and finally it is happening!!!!!! I am so excited and happy for you both it's hard to contain it. It is just perfect that you decided to Bond here. Loves you two! 





I dare anyone, except Tal or Cindy, to say anything about what I just said I will not just stab you, I will bury you and let the maggots eat you alive!!!!

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This is going to be so unSG like but I don't care.


I was wondering when and where you two were going to bond. I kept looking for it and finally it is happening!!!!!! I am so excited and happy for you both it's hard to contain it. It is just perfect that you decided to Bond here. Loves you two! 





I dare anyone, except Tal or Cindy, to say anything about what I just said I will not just stab you, I will bury you and let the maggots eat you alive!!!!


love you... thank you... :happy:

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