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Basel Gill

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Happy Festivus everyone! It's time for the annual tradition of the airing of grievances.


I will start us off, but if anyone else has grievances to air about anything, they may chime in.


I am disappointed in the NHL and its players union for being unable to find some enough common ground to get back to actually playing the games, and seriously endangering any kind of season at all. Apparently losing an entire season seven years ago doesn't stick fresh in anyone's mind enough.


I have a grievance with how awful the Buffalo Bills are every single year for the past decade and then some.


I have a grievance with the idiots in Washington, D.C. not being able to get along, which I realy won't go into here cause it isn't the right forum.


I have grievances with the city of North Tonawanda, which is bound to continue the half-baked response to keeping roads clear of snow and ice that it usually displays, except when school is in session, leaving people to slip and fall if walking, and have serious trouble driving, if they need to go anywhere during the winter school break. I seriously bruised my hip by falling due to slippery ice a few years ago, and would have sued if there had been anything broken.


I have grievances with everyone who thinks that the decorating of their house for Christmas is always better if they add more lights and decoration, regardless of how much they already have. This results in overkill and an eyesore to the whole neighborhood.


Anyone else?

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Long-standing grievance against the City of Pasadena, CA for allowing a private company to construct bleachers and sell seats at what has always been a FREE ROSE PARADE. Plus, the bleachers take up all of the best spots. 


Grievance against the same City for banning Silly String and flying tortillas at the Doo Dah Parade.

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