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Asmodeon's death(sorry)


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I just finished TOM and was reading the glossary and it confirms that Graendal was Asmodeon's killer under her entry. Did I miss something? or is this something that will be reveiled in AmoL .Sorry if this is redundant, I am trying like hell to get caught up....re reading TGS now ( or rather audiobooks, I get distracted, it's a PITA)

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It was also hinted at twice in ToM. Moridin told her that she was making a habit of getting rid of other Forsaken, and Shaidar Haran said Mesaana was the third FS for whose death Graendal was responsible (the others being Asmodean and Aran'gar).


Quite a few years ago, there was an analysis of the murder posted online as a mock conversation between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. It's said that RJ confirmed that the author of that analysis was right on the money. Google "sherlock asmodean", you'll find it.

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