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Speaking of Dark Prophecy ....


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In the Dark Prophecy written on the prison wall in Fal Dara when Padan Fain was broken out, there is this stanza:


"The Watchers wait on Toman's Head.


The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree.


Death shall sow, and summer burn, before the Great Lord comes.


Death shall reap, and bodies fail, before the Great Lord comes.


Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes.


Now the Great Lord comes."



Now, I'm pretty sure the Watchers on Toman Head refers to the Do Miere A'vron, and the second and third line seem like poetic descriptions of the Dark One's touch on the world. But I'm interested in the second and fifth lines.


"The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree"


The seed of the Hammer would refer to the Seanchan, led by the descendents of Luthair, who was called the Hammer (and who returned first to Toman Head). But what is "the ancient tree" that they are burning?


"Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes"


Assuming this is the same "seed" (the Seanchan), what is the "ancient wrong" they are supposed to slay? Is it Rand al'Thor? From the Shadow's perspective, the Dragon could certainly be an "ancient wrong". Or is it something else?


Any ideas (well ... reasonable ones) welcome.


This comes from the faqs:


"This stanza deals with the Seanchan invasion. The "ancient tree" refers to Tarabon, whose symbol is a tree (supposedly a branch of the Tree of Life). The "seed of the Hammer" are the Seanchan, who claim to be Luthair Paendrag's descendants (Luthair was also known as the Hammer). Thus, the Seanchan have invaded Tarabon. The bit about "summer burn" most likely refers to the recent spate of DO-induced hot weather in Randland. The "bodies fail" bit doesn't seem to have come to pass yet; it's been suggested that there will be a plague of some sort. I have no idea what "ancient wrong" the Seanchan (the seed) are supposed to slay before the Great Lord comes. Perhaps it will be apparent when it happens."


I don't know what the ancient wrong is either... will have to have a think about this...


I'm not sure how much help this'll be but could the 'ancient wrong' be something as simple as bringing the nations back together? Since the Seanchan believe that everyone in randland are oathbreakers and thieves could it be an "ancient wrong" from their point of view?

The problem I see with this theory is the word "Again" that implies that this wrong has been avenged/slayed before... unless that's just referring to the turning of the wheel. ok now I know this passage was no help :) ...


I think the bodies fail part has been happening: the weevils and so forth (just the general pestilence around).


If there is a hint in the fifth line, what ancient wrong did the Seanchan or Hawkwing slay (and how do you reslay something...)? And from whose point of view and so on...let's just sing the Blood calls Blood part again ;)

The problem I see with this theory is the word "Again" that implies that this wrong has been avenged/slayed before... unless that's just referring to the turning of the wheel. ok now I know this passage was no help


I actually agree with your theories. And The again is that they will be re-uniting what Hawkwing had already untied. Hawkwing righted the first wrong the Seanchean are here to "right" it again.


I have an idea about the ancient wrong. All the nations were banded together, Luthair and his army were sent across the Aryth Ocean, then the empire fell. That could be the ancient wrong slain once, it being slain could be referring to a punishment. I'd imagine the War of 100 Years is a pretty nice sized punishment for breaking the oath. Then when they come back and force people to take the oath and try to take over everybody, that could be the "again", they are punishing the people again.

The "bodies fail" could very well be a plague, but I interpret that as more people dying, I'd think that in death the body fails.




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