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i wrie this beucse gusss I shuold put eplanatin' i don expc pity or upoort o r undrstnding frm anyoen becuse dont thnk I has many frind here, im jt explainng. staurday I had subrhcnoi d hamorrhage frm get att ck and on th head by my fahter, taht brin haemorrghe. i huoght ws ok so didnt gon hospitl untl nxt moerning and so have sty in the hospitl since surgry, i hav phoen thrugh laptp for intrenet. im don oretty ok becuse lest I cn stll write, a nthnk i get out wednsdau but thy think now I shol stay ntil saturday. Shuldnt hve hppen if not for pressue alredy i had from brain swellng from anasplstc astrcytom a, cancer ive been fightng, guss it was enough to pop somthing then with a blw.


Anywy aftre i ge t out im doin spech an phsical therpy becuse im not dong well tlaking and haev truobe walk but was havng trouble walkin before thn but they wnt me toanywys so tha t s what o do, and i hav family truobl now becuse fathres in troubl e for doin to me. thsi hrd time for me and if thnk im ating cycnicl sch thngs wuold be pa rt why. agin not expct ing suport, just have explin an ths is that.

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