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Hi, I apparently registered for this site a while back, but haven't posted anything yet. I figured I should finally get around to introducing myself. I'm EHyde, you can call me Ellen if you want, and I'm just starting another re-read of the series (probably won't finish by AMOL, but ah well; I remember the later books better anyway). I originally started reading the Wheel of Time in high school, but lost interest for a while, and got back into it after reading Brandon Sanderson's other books.


Other than reading, I do a lot of sewing--I really like making costumes. Haven't done any WoT costumes yet, but I should be able to fix that by JordanCon. I also occasionally write, but ... not as much as I should (though nanowrimo approaches ...).

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Hiya Ellen :happy: Welcome to DM! I'm working on rereading Wot as well (I'm only on the Dragon Reborn atm). Who are your favorite characters?


You should totally look at the Social Groups if you haven't already. There's a lot of awesome friendly people around. There are also Discussions and Role Playing that you should check out if you enjoy that sort of thing.


Anyway, I'm not so great at the welcoming stuff, but your thread looked lonely so I figured I'd give it a shot :smile:

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You should head on over to the Gray Ajah at the White Tower, Nymphadora - Christine (the Gray Head) is working on a crochet pattern for an Aes Sedai scarf.


Welcome to DM, Ellen! You will probably also enjoy the Gray Ajah - they're into all kinds of crafting. Though CJ, our Green Head, is into costume making.


Anyhoo, hope you both enjoy yourself at DM, wherever you go :)

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