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Greetings from a long time fan,


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Greetings to you all,


I was in Eason's (a larger bookshop) in Dublin, Ireland in the mid '90's buying a Raymond E Feist book when the girl on the checkout handed me a small blue book and said it was free to anyone buying a fantasy genre book. I said thank you and popped it into my bag.


I started reading 'Magician' by Feist and left the little blue book on the shelf. It was weeks later that I found myself one night bookless and sleepless, casting an eye over the bookshelf for something to read I saw the little blue book and picked it up....


The next morning I got a bus into the city and went back to Easons and bought 'The eye of the world' as I had finished 'The Blue promo' in one sitting and was hooked.


I have being living with the Wheel of Time ever since.


I first found Dragonmount after reading of Mr Jordan's illness, and have been an huge fan of the site for years reading along as the excitement grows with each new book launch drawing nearer and then the analysis afterwards, and the anticipation starting anew.


I just posted my first comment and thought it was way past time I said hello and expressed my humble thanks to Mr Jason Denzel and Co for all the work and dedication in making Dragonmount what it is. Living in Ireland I've never had a chance to go to any of the conventions or really meet another fan so reading along here has been a great way for me to learn more and understand better Randland and also get a feeling of a shared appreciation for the books the story and the authors.


So Hello and THANK you.



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