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WOT audio books – What’s your experience?

Lurk No More

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First off – do you own any of the WOT audio books?


I have read the entire series at least 6 times (all hard covers signed), and have listened to it about 3 times. I am on my final concurrent re-read of the series, as many of you are, and this time I am bouncing between reading and listening to the audio books while commuting. (Currently on PoD)


I was wondering what you all think of these audio books. I think Michael Kramer and Kate Reading do a fantastic job of bringing life to the characters. Some of the accents get a little crazy, and some of the pronunciations are not consistent from book to book. I can forgive that.


On the whole, I like the audio books, as it really conveys the feelings of characters better – desperate, sad, ironic, satirical.


Some of the content that I feel adds to the Wheel: When Fain’s accent bounces from Lugard-ian to Aridhol-ian; that comes across cool. Gawyn has a very proper ‘English’ accent, that Michael does really well. In the EotW prologue: Dragonmount, Ishy is done really well. Thom’s sense of humor comes across very dry.


Just wondering what you all think. Discuss….

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I have all except the last one on cd. I get a bit annoyed by the changing pronunciation, especially when it goes back and forth on the same book. but they're generally good readers. it's good and bad listening to wot... makes me hear things I'd otherwise skim. so... I pick up more of the plot, but also get more frustrated with the bits I'd just gloss over reading. my eyes tend to glaze over at every new character introduction, which after book three was a real mercy.


still, I can't make myself read them any other way anymore. last reread took two years in the car, just about. I wish you could play them like 33s on 45.


does the audible format with the never ending chapter breaks drive you crazy?

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I don't have them but I'd love to have them. Whenever I try to read them nowadays it seems I skim half the parts and miss so many important details or even just small details that would be fun to read. Maybe it's because I know the story already and am just anxious to get to certain parts over others. But since I can drive around now, and I've been having to do that a lot lately, I'd love to just hit the play button and listen on the road.

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Cindy said "...does the audible format with the never ending chapter breaks drive you crazy?"


It drives me NUTS! God forbid you shoud hit next, it takes like 20 minutes to get back to whre you were.


I agree - I do tend to hear more when I listen, or maybe it's just focusing on different stuff. RJ was asked if he listened to audio books, and he said yes, but only his own. As a tool to make sure he got his point across.


My ipod has a feature where you can spped up the reply of audio books. Settings, Audiobooks. Gives you options for slower, normal and faster.

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i have the ipod synched to my car, and unless i'm suing the controls on the pod... which i've learned is not smart... stuck with the audible breaks on the few books i've gotten from them.


but luckily with wot, not audible.


kind of a pain dealing with dozens of cds, but... not as much as hitting forward... or trying to go back and hear a sentence you missed.

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I guess they would be handy on commutes and you have no one to drive you so can't look at a book (though some people try to read and drive at once >_>...). When I want to hear my favourite stories a loud, I will read them aloud myself, acting out the voices and all. I do that alot and especially if there are friends around who have not read the book - I am great at reading out loud, so it not only engages them in listening but it makes them want to read the story for themselves.


And wow....long commutes :tongue: ...

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I have borrowed some of them from the library. I like to read the actual books, but an audio book is very nice from time to time. I've done every third one audio. I do agree with you. Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading do a fantastic job. When I first listened to The Dragon Reborn, I realized that I was pronouncing some stuff wrong while reading, especially Egwene's name.

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