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You already know this, but I love you Leelou!

RandA lThor

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There's more shameless flirting going on in here than in a speed-dating event for former reality tv stars


I have to fend them off with a stick. It's my lot in life.

I'll weep for your misfortunte


Sarcasm, hear me roar ;)





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There's more shameless flirting going on in here than in a speed-dating event for former reality tv stars


I have to fend him off with a stick. It's my lot in life.


Small typo, I fixed it for you.


Did you just ask me out?

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There's more shameless flirting going on in here than in a speed-dating event for former reality tv stars


I have to fend him off with a stick. It's my lot in life.


Small typo, I fixed it for you.


Did you just ask me out?


If he did, he should take you some place nice.






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There's more shameless flirting going on in here than in a speed-dating event for former reality tv stars


I have to fend him off with a stick. It's my lot in life.


Small typo, I fixed it for you.


Did you just ask me out?


If he did, he should take you some place nice.







I like nice places.

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There's more shameless flirting going on in here than in a speed-dating event for former reality tv stars


I have to fend him off with a stick. It's my lot in life.


Small typo, I fixed it for you.


Did you just ask me out?


If he did, he should take you some place nice.







I like nice places.


What? NO? Did you not read the thread title, I am too lovestruck with Leelou to be in love with anyone else!

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What? NO? Did you not read the thread title, I am too lovestruck with Leelou to be in love with anyone else!


Luckily Verbal had a lot of practice as far as rejection goes. So he shouldn't be too wounded by your disregard.






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What? NO? Did you not read the thread title, I am too lovestruck with Leelou to be in love with anyone else!


You can't back out once promises have been made.


But, all my attention is directed towards Leelou, I don't have time for anyone else!

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What? NO? Did you not read the thread title, I am too lovestruck with Leelou to be in love with anyone else!


Luckily Verbal had a lot of practice as far as rejection goes. So he shouldn't be too wounded by your disregard.







Shhhh......go to bed, dear.




/creepmode level 2

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Shaidar Haran, holder of the night

Lead us to wars where we shall fight

For we shall never forsake you

The most beautiful, whom we call Leelou


Through your beauty and power

Shall humans and trollocs cower

For you alone we live and die

You, the strong, are ever in our eye

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