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Sleeping dogs AKA Grand theft auto in China.

Ashaman Kovan

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Anyone played it yet? I haven't gotten too far into it. It really is basically GTA in china. Except you can sortof choose to be a good guy or a bad guy. At least that's the impression I'm getting. The fighting is more enjoyable than GTA. It's almost identical to the way you fight in Arkham City/Asylum. I don't how gun fighting works yet as I haven't progressed far enough to actually get any guns. But it seems like it should provide at least a few hours of decent entertainment.


I haven't played a lot. There is a pretty big bug that makes your character and whoever he's talking to invisible during cutscenes and I'm waiting for a patch before I really start playing it. But yeah, it's enjoyable enough. I got it for free and you can't beat that, so I'm not really complaining lol. Honestly the only thing I've found that I really dislike so far is that with your "Wardrobe" you basically (At least so far as I've got) have to make your guy look like a dumbass to get the stat bonuses. But it does have RPG elements. You get Triad, Cop and Face Exp. which when you level up you can use to pick different abilities and perks and things. So that's kinda cool.


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