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I had a few spots like that after my surgery, too. It's really frustrating when you can't find your nurse and you're so far off your med schedule that the pain is kicking in. Then you have to wait for it to get back into your system (which is faster in an IV, but still not fast enough!). I had a nurse who was apparently annoyed that I had had to have another nurse (who I think was actually her boss... oops) go find her over an hour after my meds were due. She pushed the fluids into the IV too fast and it HURT like the devil! However, I'd tried to call her when she was just 15 minutes over and got no answer. Tried again at 30 and sent my husband out hunting for someone. Tried again at 45 minutes and still nothing. Finally, we propped the door open and my husband stood in the doorway until he saw someone walk past. Then he nabbed them. *mutters*


I hope you didn't have any of those nurses while you were in there!


That happened t me when I was in the hospital for pneumonia. I had a killer migraine too, asked for pain med and she put it in so fast it burned!

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