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Travel & Olympics Month: Warderesque sports report


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Okay so not a big speaker, but Me'Areath are helping out on the Olympic event, and one of the things we will be doing is covering the warder'esque sports of the olympics, sports that many wont see much off, and generate some interest for these. We will also do activeties conected to these


The first one we already had a sign up for, and we have the following contestants for our bingo'esque (yes i found a newish word sort of ...'esque..get used to it) game which will run throughout the event. Our contestants in this are

  • Nicana
  • Wildfire Sedai
  • Raena


The sports we will be following are

  • Archery
  • Fencing
  • Judo
  • Shooting
  • Taekwondo


Oki so the events have been runing for a while, todays post is about geting up to speed



In archery so far team events are over, these been won by Italy for the men, and Republic of Korea for womens.

However just as interesting is it that Archery was the first sport in this years Olympics to place a new world record, the record was taken by Im Dong-hyun from Republic of Korea which also is called Korea's blind archer, due to having relatively 20/100 and 20/200 in vision on his eyes, making him legally blind on the left eye.

This picture shall therefor be todays inspiration for our aspirering warder intiates




FencingThe following events are over

  • Men's individual foil has been won by China
  • Men's individual epee has been won by Venesuela, this is grand news for this country as this is their second ever gold medal in the Olympics, so watch up for future warder potentials, maybe something is stirring here. Though for all our Norwegians in here, despair not, Norway took silver, so while beaten they were not far behind in a sports that I think few Norwegians even have in mind for Olympics at all. For those who want to see the finale there is a recording here:
  • Women's individual sabre has been won by Republic of Korea


Mens -60kg, -66kg, -73kg, -81kg and -90kg is over and has been won by relatively Russia, Georigia, Russia, Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea. Though i believe we have Germans here so congrats on silver in mens -81kg and to the Canadians congrats on bronze in mens -81 kg.

For the women the following weight classes are over up to 48kg, 52kg, 57kg, 63kg, 70 kg and have been won relatively by Brazil, North Korea, Japan, Slovenia, and France. Germany have taken a silver, and both USA and Belgium have taken bronze among the women.



Both men's 10 meter air pistol and woman's 25 meter pistol been won by the Republic of Korea, the later by a teenager of 19 who won over the reigning champion from China.

Both men and women's skeet been won by USA. Men's 25 m air riffle been won by Romania. Women's 10 m air pistol and 10 m air riffle been won by China.



No events done yet


Now to some activety untill the next report, an athlete chain, you can only use athletes from the sports Me'Areath are covering, and to continue the chain you use the last letter in the name of the athlete of the post before you as the first letter in your athletes name, however you should also post a fact about the athlete.




poster 1

Im Dong-hyun


Set a new world record in archery during the ranking rounds for the mens team event in OL 2012


poster 2

Nam Hyun Hee


is a fencer with the nick name peanut because she is small (5'1'' - 97 lbs)


next poster can continue the chain, and feel free to comment results, discuss, share cool videos from these events and so on, just keep it too the warder esque sports ;)


Ok so news from what happened this weekend, this time lets start off with an activety challenge...google been true to their theme swaps and been in a olympic mood of late, this weekend fencing was featured for saturday. So how about showing us your olympic doodles, maybe put a wot spin on it, for those who havent seen it yet, here is the fencing doodle



Having started the tally of our with Wildfire only having delivered a partial form, the contest is going to be down to Raena and Nicana, tallying up scores take time, and yes means learning different sports point systems...will be back to that in a moment, however so far with a system giving you 5 points if your spot on, 3 if your one placement away, 2 for two placements away, 1 for 3 placements away and .5 points for 4 placements away..the following is the result so far


Archery w/m - judo w/m

Raena - 0/0 - 0/0

Nicana - 0/0 - .5/0


now most of the off's been more or less the contestants doing worse...however for men's judo Nicana's candidate have done way better then by guess, so there is one to watch out for Nic ;)


the tally will continue tomorow, however the first thing puzling me looking at the judo score was how it was set up and what it meant...which meant doing some readin.


Judo is scored in 4 chategories Ippon been an automatic win, thereafter W Y K as short letters, which means you will see a score like

010 - 0001 for instance, the highest ranking chategory means most, so first they look at if there are any W's and if so who has most..and then so on...which basically means that for the simpleminded off us 1000 is in a way the highest score, and that said score means 10-1 point (not figuratively correct I am sure, but well enough that for those who migth get confused by letters tossed in there - ignore those - can follow the ranking schedule)


Now if anyone taken an interest, here are a few more goodies



All sports been given a theme of entertainment, fencing been given a fiction makeover, for those interested go here: http://www.olympic.org/fencing


maybe some of you seen some other goodies out there, feel free to share, and dont forget show us your olympic doodle


Ooh just seen this - if you can please keep updated on the Fencing.

I don't know who's who but Women's individual foil and epee should be good, particularly foil.

As a former fencer, I confess women are better at foil.


would been more frequent updates but i think i migth been a bit under the weather or had a bug or something, aim to make a new post tomorow, glad to hear someone is enjoying them


of course if you guys are following them and see something interesting, dont be shy of sharing, its what this tread is for...we figured there migth be more interest here in this group due too our special interests, but by experience i know they dont get much airtime here and took a guess it would be the same elsewhere except maybe in Asia


So the Olympics are over


And its clear this year that Korea have the best archers, winning both the individual competitions as well as the women's team event, and taking 3rd in the men's team event. The later was won by Italy. A fun fact to wrap up the archery is that the oldest known archery competition was also held in London in 1583.


In judo Russia came out with the most golds - 3 total, while Japan and France won the most medals overall with 7 each.



Taekwando had a good spread with gold going to 8 different countries, none taking more then one. Also we can send congrats to Gabon who took their first ever Olympic medal in this sport this year, it was Obame who took a silver and secured a medal for Gabon (picture bellow celebrating with his coach).




Shooting, the countries coming out with highest rank are relatively Korea, USA and Italy, though the most medals in this sports genre was taken by number four china. Four shooting this time I will pull forth a woman again, this time from USA, this lady set an olympic record in qualifying hiting 74 out of 75, in the final she matched her own world record, and with her gold medal she is the first atletic from USA to win gold in 5 consequtive olympics - picture bellow are of Kimberly Rhode.




And then last on to fencing.

Overall winner is Italy with 3 gold among their 7 medals, following are Korea and China with each 2 gold among their relative 6 and 3 medals.

Ukraine, Hungary and Venezuela also each took a gold.


What more is of Italy's gold all three was taken in Foil, so they do dominate this genre, the only Foil gold they didnt take went to China in the individual competitions of men.

Epee was spread between Venezuela on the mens individual, Ukraina on womens individual and China for womens team.

Sabre was spread between Hungary for mens individual, China for mens team, and Korea for womens individual.

To wrap it up though we are going to the continent of mother, because Africa has taken their first fencing medal in the Olympics this year, this was done by Alaaeldin Abouelkassem from Egypt there was hope for gold, but he was beat in the final and Africa got a Silver in Individual Foil, the final score was 15-13. Though the battle was great for China as well as this was their first mens foil medal. Highligths from the foil tournament for men can be seen here:


We watched a bit of that lady from the USA shooting - she's phenomenal!


We tried to watch some of the fencing, but we couldn't really follow it. They move too fast for our eyes to catch ... lol

I never did see any Sabre matches, and I so wanted to see that!


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