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The forgotten Song and the Green man (men) (spoiler)


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So, the last green man dies at the end of the EOTW. My question is, the song the tinkers are looking for that used to be song by the Aiel at the harvest, does that even matter anymore without the green men?


They're constructs, they can, and will in theory, be remade. If it's all about advancement, someone should come up with, or remember (LTT/Rand) how to do it and it will happen again, to feed the blooming populace.


Where's the spoiler?

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Here is a good theory to check out if you are interested...



Thanks. "Voice" being a talent is not something I have thought of before. It would make sense that it's not an actual song, like all other things the meaning gets twisted with the passage of time. Something to think about. I wonder how it will come into the final book. It really hasn't been mentioned much since the beginning.

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