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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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Mod Goddesses: Could one of you please double-check our funds? We were at 803 marks (post #1450). We then bought two houses for a total of 400 marks (#1452). Upon the next update, we were lowered to 203 marks (#1456), which is a difference of 600 marks. The amount of 203 is where we are currently, so I'm guessing I'm the first to catch this.

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5. If you spot that another team has landed on your Property you can charge them rent. You do not need a password to do this. Simply Post Rent - Team Name - Property Name and the bank will check if you are correct. If you are correct, both teams play will be halted until the other Team confirms they will pay. The Bank will transfer the funds and confirm rent has been paid. Both teams may then ask for the Dice to be rolled. It is YOUR responsibility to watch for other teams landing on your property ... if they manage to roll the Dice before you claim Rent - tough.

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You are the only girl in your team!


Turin: Papa smurf

Rand: Clumsy

Nyanna: Smurfette

Despo: Brainy

Roo: Jokey

Darthe: Grouchy

XD Matty I can't help but give you points...err lets make that 1 point for that :tongue:


CALLANDOR WE ARE NOW TEAM SMURF!!! :laugh: :flamingsmurf:




Can I steal that?

Feel free :tongue:

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