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Username: Wynnendra Jessal (nee Romus)

Handle at DM/WT: Wynne Jessal

Email: hannahlee@opusnet.com

Physical Description: Height: 5\'6\"; Body: boyishly slim, almost no curves to speak of; Hair: auburn, loose sweptback curls to the shoulder... current style is pulled back and pinned in a bun; Face: very pale with a soft slim oval of a face and regular (but not unpleasant) features, most prominent by far being her large dark eyes--overall impression is soft, thoughtful, gentle, serious.

Place of birth: Home town: Bellon, Amadicia

Age: 17

Character History: Wynnendra Romus is the daughter of Avias Romus, an officer in the army of the Children of the Light. Her mother is Osandra Kowyn. Her parents wed when Avias was scarcely more than a recruit with the Children in Amadicia. Osandra was an outlander, an Arafellin, beautiful and dark-haired. A dreamer and a romantic. Avias, a true believer, advanced slowly and steadily through the ranks to the point of minor officer. Most of his time was, of necessity, spent traveling with the Children. Osandra and her daughter lived in a large house in the town of Bellon, east of the capital, on the Gaean River. The marriage was not an unhappy one, but was not passionate. It was a marriage and a family because… that is what young officers of the Annointed of the Light should have.




Wynne was an obedient child, as most Amadician children (in fact most Amadicians!) were. Fear of the swift and merciless judgment of the Children of the Light was enough to maintain order in any town, even among the households of the Children themselves. Her upbringing was well-mannered, centering around pursuits that would lead to a good match with a young officer of the Children, or perhaps an Amadician lord.




Wynne was always interested in history, antiques and old stories. One afternoon, aged 16, while rummaging through trunks in the attic of their home, she found a large enameled box with a rusted lock. The lock broke easily and inside was a dress of simple, unadorned white wool and a piece of torn braided leather. She brought the box downstairs to ask about them. Wrapped in her mother’s arms, beneath the stars, she learned of Osandra’s dark and secret past. Wynne could not believe the story her mother wove—of first and lost loves, Tar Valon witches, a life of lies and fear and fleeing to the last place the White Tower would or could look for her.




Unfortunately, a family servant overheard too much, and seeking advancement (or some extra gold at least), reported what she had heard to Avias upon his return. There was confrontation and revelation. Osandra knew there would be no mercy, even from her husband, as anyone who had ever trained at the White Tower, even for a day, was outlawed within the borders of the Amadicia. Wynne was in Amador with a friend for festival. Avias could not very well turn his wife over to the Children. That would be the end of his career, if the Hand did not decide to take his life as punishment for unknowingly residing with a witch all these years. There was no choice. His wife was disposed of first. Then the servant who had tattled had an “accident.†Unsure what his daughter knew, she was sent for immediately for delicate questioning.




Wynne knew instantly that something was wrong. Her father was distant and distracted. Avias had not had a close relationship with his daughter, but had not had any complaints. She was obedient and decorous. But now all he saw when he looked at her was his wife’s treacherous lies. The questions he asked alerted her to the fact that, somehow, he knew. She was given a thinly veiled alibi for her mother’s whereabouts.




With no time, growing dread of her mother’s fate, and a half-baked escape plan, she gathered what little coin she had, a few items she might be able to sell for more, and one change of clothing, and ran.




She stayed just far enough ahead of the pursuit to elude capture, but not so far that when she had an tragic fall into the River Gaean that it would be missed. Perhaps they would think she drowned in the strong undercurrent and her not being an experienced swimmer. More likely there would be a thorough search. And the Children of the Light did not give up grudges easily. Wynne knew of just one place where the Children would never be allowed to search for her… one place that she had been taught from birth to be as corrupted as the Blight…

  • 4 weeks later...

there aren't, to my believe, any children around who can CC this. So you'd better draw Muirenn's attention to this. Or Owen's for that matter.



  • 3 years later...
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