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Moon's Own Poll!

Moon Sedai

Stabbing the Wheel of Time  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think should be stabbed at least once?

    • Lews Therin Reborn
    • Mat Cauthon
    • Perrin
    • all the lightfuls

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Since I'm bored and have points to give out, I figure, why not?


Who in the WHeel of time would you stab? Why?


I focused on the Three Two Rivers Brats, but, you can really list anyone from the books.


Well-thought out answers will earn you points from my own pool.

  On 6/21/2012 at 1:54 AM, Christine said:




Because she doesn't shut the front door up and ruined Perrin.



And she didn't stay captured, dammit.


This. With Nyn (no, not you, Nyn!) a close second, for just being an all-around grumpy, unlikeable person who isn't satisfied unless she is sticking her nose where it doesn't belong to find fault with someone. And failing to recognize the same failings within herself... pot, meet kettle.


Nyn in tFoH is hilarious. I'm cracking up. She wants to hit Birgitte and yank on her braid so bad, but being stuck with Valan Luca and promising to be good after the Moghedien incident in Tel'aran'riod... Oh lord.

  On 6/21/2012 at 2:07 AM, Basel Gill said:

With Nyn (no, not you, Nyn!) a close second, for just being an all-around grumpy, unlikeable person who isn't satisfied unless she is sticking her nose where it doesn't belong to find fault with someone. And failing to recognize the same failings within herself... pot, meet kettle.




Nyn is awesome.






Personally, I think Nyn shows a lot of growth in the series.

You have to realize that she's a rather young woman holding a pretty powerful position of authority in a very small town.

She had to constantly deal with people in her village who did not think she was mature enough for the role of Wisdom.

In a way, she's a good person to spend time with Elayne, because ELayne is also taking on a role that many think she's MUCH to young for.

(and, consequently, both were 'trained' by their predecessors- Nyn by previous wisdom, Elayne by her mother).

Sometimes, it takes a shocking experience (like meeting Moghedien in T'A'R)to show us that we're not the experts we think they are.

As far as Valan Luca. . . well, Nyn never thought of herself as a pretty girl. By the time she did, she was already pretty much set on Lan. It can be obnoxious when a man won't stop flirting with you.


Often times the things that tick us off most in other people are the problems we see in ourselves. (It irritates me to no end when I come home from work and find Mr M has been on the PS3 all day. So, what am i gonna do with my next day off? Be on the PS3 all day.)Perhaps those areas she sees as faults with others are the same ones that Nyn hides from herself.


That being said, she totally deserves a good *stabbing*

Because she's a Lightful and hasn't come over to the Dark SIde yet. I think Nyn as a member of the Black Ajah would be a DANGEROUS woman, especially because Rand Al'Thor is SOOOOO trusting of her.



Yeah, I like Nynaeve, she has grown into someone with way less of an attitude and she supports Rand way more now.


even though I disagree on the point, Basel has made some attempt at an argument.


So.... 5 points to Basel.


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