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Pirate Pranksters Hide out

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Thanks guys!


Being a senior member just means that we'll get to prank you now, you'll get showered with appreciation in the Appreciation Week event, etc. :baalzamon::tongue:

What have I done?!?


<.< *Holds her notebook close*


Hmmm.... I should pass this on at some point....

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I did see it. I'm curious as to what the return attack would be ;)


They seem unaware that our house is a giant dome room though... :/ Oh wells.


Oh and someone dye the pool/lake *nods*

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Hey Rand. Heart says to tell you she is still watching Ospenya, and wants to know how you got one of her sparkle bombs lol. Shes the only one in the tower who has them.


I asked Heart nicely for one.

Miss Heart, may I please have a sparkle bomb. Wait what did I just say?

I'll ignore your lack of question mark and give you one ;)


Just for the record, I remember this now :P *watches over the dorms*

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I heard back from the original Captain of Ospenya . . . Here is her reply:


"Lord that is hilarious! My life is 10 kinds of busy right now but give them my best will you? I DEFINITELY approve! ♥"


So she sends her best but she can't pop in right to reply now. *cries*

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