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How were the Seals made? (the Patch yin yang discs)


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How about you all reread the chapter in CoT about them making heartstone and then come back?


Even if men and women can only make those colors, it seems as if it'd be easy to work together to make a pattern.


The point is that we're talking about whether it's necessary to have a matched pair of man and woman to make a single item out of 'male' cuendillar and 'female' cuendillar, and that chapter doesn't tell us anything about that; no males are present.


Ugh. The specifics of how they make it and specifically what they're working on as described in the chapter: Compare to what has to be wrong there for the above to be needed (equal strength whatevers.)


Granted there could be changes to CoT since the 2nd printing I'm not aware of.


All we know of making cuendillar is that Egwene has rediscovered/created 1 weave for doing so. The cuendillar she produces is white. We have no reason whatsoever to suppose that altered or totally different weaves might not produce alternative colours.


We do know that the female Aes Sedai opposed LTT's plan to seal the bore, and that no Saidar was used in the attempt. It's likely therefore that no saidar was used in the production of the focus stones.


Far more likely to suppose that LTT was capable of making both white and black cuendillar and simply used the Aes Sedai's symbol for the design. For all we know, he could have made them all pink elephants with blue spots, but had more styalistic integrity,


All we know of making cuendillar is that Egwene has rediscovered/created 1 weave for doing so. The cuendillar she produces is white. We have no reason whatsoever to suppose that altered or totally different weaves might not produce alternative colours.


We do know that the female Aes Sedai opposed LTT's plan to seal the bore, and that no Saidar was used in the attempt. It's likely therefore that no saidar was used in the production of the focus stones.


Far more likely to suppose that LTT was capable of making both white and black cuendillar and simply used the Aes Sedai's symbol for the design. For all we know, he could have made them all pink elephants with blue spots, but had more styalistic integrity,

Since the women didn't help Lews but he still wanted them involved somehow.they knew what he was going to try right?Just maybe they agreed to make the seals beforehand ,i mean they were not at odds until the taint became known i think.

All we know of making cuendillar is that Egwene has rediscovered/created 1 weave for doing so. The cuendillar she produces is white. We have no reason whatsoever to suppose that altered or totally different weaves might not produce alternative colours.


Since the women didn't help Lews but he still wanted them involved somehow.they knew what he was going to try right?Just maybe they agreed to make the seals beforehand ,i mean they were not at odds until the taint became known i think.


I think that the "seals" were not actually made for the Sealing. They were just cuendillar disks, which Lews Therin decided to use as the focus points. So they had already been made beforehand.


And even if they were made specifically for the Sealing, he could have just lied. "Hey .....Sedai, I need you to help me make 7 Cuendillar disks..... What for? Oh, nothing much...Just going to seal the bo-- I mean, Ilyena needs some more plugs to seal her experiement jars, the others broke.....yes, they broke..."


The Strike at Shayol'Ghul says that there were 2 plans, the sealing and the Chodan Kal. With the amount of effort that went into making the CK, which would of had to involve men to make the male one, I don't see why you couldn't of had women making the seals while it was still considered a valid plan by them. Not saying that I think they are special or that I think that male and female made cuendillar are different colours, just saying that the planning of it would of had women involved at some stage.


The seals were probably made to be a symbol of the triumph of the Light, held in a museum or somesuch after the sealing, so the look of them was important. If it was a last ditch effort they probably could of gathered a bunch of cups or such and sealed it just as well, but they never Foresaw the breaking (as far as we know) until it was underway and so thought the sealing would be the winning stroke, using either the CK or the Seals plan.


My idea was that the weaves were made first and then encased in the cuellindaring process, cementing the weaves into indestructible existence, a weave that passes thru the cuellindar can't be cut while the disk is whole...


Also, implied by white tower women choosing white flame and the black half of the disk being a symbol of male channelers...


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