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*mumble*mumble* I'm back *mumble*mumble*

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Few remember me I guess... but I'm sure Dalipoodlekins does. *grins*


*snuggles Dali* Ok, so I promised, now I'm back.


Where's my room? And why's the Infirmary in a mess? *glares around*


And Dashiva, or whatever you're called now, Haran poo or something... Go make my bed or somethin.


*yawns* Now where's my Uncle Flubby.



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Sorry, but only users granted special access can post topics in this forum.


I wanted to go do some actual RPing, but... Oh well. I guess I'm back to the community again.





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I TOTALLY love my Uncle Flubby.


But my ICQ is messing up my computer so I seldom get online. And I TOTALLY miss my Uncle Flubby. *huggles*


Anyway, so I have no idea why I can't post on the Farm board, but I guess I'm here.


Dashiva, where's the enthusiasm my boy. *grins cheekily*



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Guest Dalinar

Skechididdles, make sure you have signed up for the DRPSW group under "usergroups" (in forum options on the right hand side of the screen when you are logged in with your user". I THINK that should fix up the posting issue for you.


Mwah. ;)



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I dunno :p I never talked to you, but I remember seeing you post lots on old DM :D


Your Infirmary has been kept quite clean as my char has been cleaning it constantly. Hopefully, Deme will get some more Healing training *pokes Dali*


lol, ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK, YOU (insert funny name here)!

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Mhmmmh.... yes.


Good job young... ummm... person thing.


And thanks Dalikindlepoo, I managed to totally sign up. *nods happily*


In other news, I think I shall stay only to my BT character for now. So whee... what needs to be done eh?




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