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Moridin-Rand Link Effect on Fain

Bromo Sapien

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As everyone knows, Fain has two great enemies: The Shadow and Rand. Well I was wondering what affect the Moridin-Rand Power Link has on Fain's drive to kill. Obviously his drive to kill Rand is greater than any other character's in the entire series, greater even than the Dark One and the Forsaken, since they occasionally want to turn him instead of killing him. And he also has been shown to go out of his way to torture or maim the Shadow (torturing Myrddraal, Zombie Trolloc, killing the Asha'man in Far Madding...) Now that Rand and Moridin are linked, the only two things he cares about are tied together. We've only seen Fain post-link in one chapter of WH and the prologue of ToM. He's obviously on super-drive when it comes to stark-raving mad desire to kill now. Could this come into play when everyone comes together for the Party at Shayol Ghul? Thoughts?


I used to think that Fain would revert to the light given his hatred for what the DO did to him, and years later when it became obvious that Fain is just plain old psycho and that there was no going back after his encounters with Mashadar and Machin Shin, that evolved into the DO transitioning into his body and Rand sealing him up (at Shadar Logoth no less).


I don't think anything has really changed my mind since then. I'll just stick with that theory until the last book I think. I just can't see how it won't turn out that way. Feel free to gloat later if I end up being wrong. :wink:


I used to think that Fain would revert to the light given his hatred for what the DO did to him, and years later when it became obvious that Fain is just plain old psycho and that there was no going back after his encounters with Mashadar and Machin Shin, that evolved into the DO transitioning into his body and Rand sealing him up (at Shadar Logoth no less).


I don't think anything has really changed my mind since then. I'll just stick with that theory until the last book I think. I just can't see how it won't turn out that way. Feel free to gloat later if I end up being wrong. :wink:



Not even the bit about Shadar Logoth? Afterall it is sort of, you know, not there anymore.


Tsk Tsk. Master Ablar.


I think that the hole where Shadar Logoth was will become the new lake under the new Collum Daan. I'd assumed you had read my old theories but I'm not really surprised that you haven't. I think there are flags if someone gets too close in their theorising and the posts are deleted. It has happened several times to me with the same theory. No joke, but that's another theory... and if I was an author with forums and sites such as this about my books, I would too.


If it was once I would write it off but because it has happened so many times, I'm starting to get the impression that that is confirmation. And the theory was waaaaay after the DM upgrade a few years back when lots of posts went MIA.


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