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So my name is delta1024 but you can call me Delta (if it isn't already taken), I'm a big fan of the books and I started reading them 4 years ago because I had other stuff to do and they can be a bit

consuming. I recently started reading them again. I found this forum, because when i started reading them for the first time I didn't even know what a forum was XD, and it looked pretty cool . I look

forward to getting to know all of you and hope that i can find friends here,


Thanks for reading!!


Oh, you will find friends here! Welcome. What are you enjoying most about your re- read?


Hi, Delta, and welcome to DM! :) Glad you found us.


Who are you're favourite and least favourite WoT characters so far?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions!


I hope you will like it here! :biggrin:


My favorite character would have to be Mat, and i rally don't have a least favorite character


Well, who would be towards the bottom of your list?


Elaida, oh and maybe Morgase just because they assume that rand is a bad guy just because he can channel, it's not his fault that he can channel


I was going to tell you another person who does the same thing and I don't like, but it will be a spoiler and I won't ruin it for you.


I also didn't know what a forum was when I joined. I had on;ly joined to know spoilers about tGS but I stayed. It had taken me a week to figure out how to post a new topic or reply. I was so ignorant.


Welcome to DM!


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