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How Sanderson changed the naration


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Had to add one funny observation about the subject of word choice, terms, phrases etc...In Book 8, A Winter's Heart, written by ROBERT JORDAN only, I remember being put off every time by that book's use of the word ''Explosion.''


It is used over a dozen times. (If you have a Kindle, you can use the Search Feature for Book 8 to see this and be amazed for yourself!)


This is a PRE-GUNPOWDER society. ''Explosions.'' .... BAD BAD BAD mistake. I got into an argument with a friend who tried to use the existence of the Illuminators and the hole in the Stone created by Mat in Book 3 as plenty justification for the word's use later in the series, buuuut, I pretty much shredded his argument.


The truth is...Even Jordan used words that maybe were jarring or misplaced. In another thread I referenced a quote by Mat from Book 5 where he says, and I quote, ''Things got really hairy.'' ...hell, that sounds modern in 2012, LOL!!! The very fist time I read it in the early 90s I remember it jarring me.


So, you never know. Thats what Im saying. Im less critical now, almost three years after the release of The Great Storm, than I was, say, the very first time I read ''On a Broken Road'' and suffered through The Laurel and Hardy Act performed by Mat and Talmanes. Brandon does things we might not like...but, heck, Robert Jordan did too! And I loved HIM! I guess Im saying...these things still bother me - A LOT - but I'm a little better at living with them now. I think.




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I thought Nynaeve was awesome in the last couple of books; being not that big a fan of her, I certainly enjoyed reading about her alot more then ever. The only characters I found a bit jarring were Mat and Cadsuane, the latter because Sanderson seems to view her in a completely different way to what RJ did and as a result her personality has shifted slightly. Some scenes though were awesome; such as the wolves howling around Rand as he fights against his own darkness.


I thought Nynaeve was awesome in the last couple of books; being not that big a fan of her, I certainly enjoyed reading about her alot more then ever. The only characters I found a bit jarring were Mat and Cadsuane, the latter because Sanderson seems to view her in a completely different way to what RJ did and as a result her personality has shifted slightly. Some scenes though were awesome; such as the wolves howling around Rand as he fights against his own darkness.


Yeah...and I actually LIKED Post-RJ Cadsuane quite a bit......right up until the end of TGS. Her use of the One Power on Tam was sooooo uncharacteristic. Cads is above that. Because she is so much smarter. She'd hold any Aes Sedai in deep contempt that had to rely on using the Power into getting a man to do what she wanted.





I'd still argue that Cads was simply flipping out, and that sure she acted uncharacteristically, the same you would act uncharacteristically if you found out you might have just doomed the world to total destruction. In fact, her reaction was rather muted considering what had just taken place.


I'd still argue that Cads was simply flipping out, and that sure she acted uncharacteristically, the same you would act uncharacteristically if you found out you might have just doomed the world to total destruction. In fact, her reaction was rather muted considering what had just taken place.


And the fact that an angry man who had just violently opened the door, blamed you for all his son's problems, and was then advancing on her. Cadsuane doesn't know Tam. For all she knew, he could have a worse temper than his adopted son. I'd say using the power to stop him was justified from Cadsuane's point of view.


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