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Can... not...wait...


Just after the airing of the second season finale of the BBC's "Sherlock" in the UK on Sunday, show runner Stephen Moffat confirmed on Twitter that the BBC has already ordered a third season. In fact the network commissioned it around the same time they did the second.


Between 7.9 million and 8.8 million viewers (around a 30% audience share) tuned into all three telemovie-length episodes of the second season on BBC1 this month - that's an impressive jump on the 7.5 million who tuned into the pilot episode in October 2010 which was the highest rated episode of the first season.


The questions now are when will the next season air and which of Doyle's stories will they use. With Freeman and Cumberbatch's "Hobbit" and "Star Trek 2" commitments, along with Moffat's "Doctor Who" workload, both are likely to be busy until later this year at the earliest.


The second season of "Sherlock" is scheduled to air States-side on PBS in May.

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Wasn't very impressed by the first 2 episodes. Third one was much better though, IMO. But still think first series was better.


Oh that's disappointing. Still looking forward to it in the states.


Don't worry, you probably won't share my opinion. I can be very picky lol.

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Since CBS announced they were making a contemporary set Sherlock Holmes series entitled "Elementary", many wondered how much of it was owed to the success of the BBC's "Sherlock" and how closely it will match said property.


Turns out there's more to the story than first realised. "Sherlock" producer Sue Vertue, who is also the wife of show co-creator Steven Moffat, says that before "Elementary" was announced CBS had approached those involved in "Sherlock" about a remake of the BBC hit according to The Independent.


That never eventuated. Shortly after however came the announcement of "Elementary", a similar enough sounding show that it has not only raised concern but also early suggestions of possible legal action.


Vertue says "We understand that CBS are doing their own version of an updated Sherlock Holmes. It's interesting, as they approached us a while back about remaking our show. At the time, they made great assurances about their integrity, so we have to assume that their modernised Sherlock Holmes doesn't resemble ours in any way, as that would be extremely worrying."


She goes on to say "We are very proud of our show and like any proud parent, will protect the interest and wellbeing of our offspring."


Most of Doyle's works are in the public domain so CBS has every right to do a series based on the Sherlock Holmes character. Where it gets iffy is if "Elementary" starts outright lifting elements of "Sherlock" unique to that incarnation.


Copyright specialist Margaret Tofalides says "if the unusual elements of the BBC series - the modern settings, characters, clothes, plots and distinctive visual style - were closely reproduced in the CBS version, that could form the basis of a potential copyright claim."


Meanwhile with the second season having recently aired in the UK, questions have turned towards a third season of "Sherlock" and its viability considering the busy commitments this year of actors Martin Freeman (both "The Hobbit" movies), Benedict Cumberbatch ("Star Trek 2" & a brief "The Hobbit" stint) and show runner Steven Moffat (the seventh season of "Doctor Who").


Moffat tells The Radio Times that those involved have no plans to leave the show and will keep doing this for some time to come, maybe even longer than we anticipate - "I fondly imagine it’d be nice to stop it for a while and come back and see what they’re like in their 40s or 50s" he says.


Moffat hasn't committed to a date for the third season which many expect to be sometime in the first half of 2013. He does say "Get used to a bit of starvation. We’re making movies – those six films we’ve made could go in the cinema. You can’t factory produce that – it’s a different kind of show. So, when we’re good and ready – it won’t be that long – but when we’re ready, you’ll get the follow-up."


Like the first season, the recent second season ended on a cliffhanger and the question of how those involved will get out of the situation. Turns out not only do they have a solution but they already shot a part of it as well when they were filming the final episode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just finished the second season yesterday

great show

I'm actually really excited that Sherlock is playing Smaug and Watson is playing Bilbo in the upcoming Hobbit movie (I hadn't really known who they were before I watched this)


at first I didn't like the Moriarty character

I was comparing him to the one from the recent movies with RDJ and I thought his portrayal was fantastic

it came off as really menacing which is something I didn't get from this Moriarty at first

after awhile he kind of grew on me though


also for anyone who has read the books that may want to comment here that one or the other was a better portrayal for whatever reason

I have not read the books so I'm just going off of my own idea of what the "anti Sherlock Holmes" should be

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