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Hi all! I just finished book 10 of the Wheel of Time series. I am flat broke, so I was thinking that I would have to wait until I can get some money again before I can go and buy book 11. Then, something wonderful happened: I found Knife of Dreams behind my book shelf! I think I bought it several months ago and then shoved it back there because there was no room for it at the time and I knew it would be some time before I got to it. I completely forgot. I am not sure what inspired me to look behind my bookshelf, that is not something I would normally do. Maybe it was ta'varen pull from one of the characters in the book.


Looking forward to participating in this forum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One thing that I always wondered about was what happened to Asmodean. Robert Jordan the author made it clear that he was dead, probably it was one of the forsaken, but nothing else indicated that one of them was close to Rand at that time, I was hoping that more would be illuminated on that later on. Maybe it will yet, I still have a couple books to go.. as of now I'm about 1/3 into Knife of Dreams.


I love how even after so many long books, I still have the same excitement as when I started, and there are always new surprises and things that make me go "WHAT???" Truly a brilliant masterpiece.


Such a shame that he died so young....


I can't say that I have a favorite character, I suppose my favorite character is whichever one I am reading about at that moment.


I'm a little worried about what I will do after I finally finish the last book. Reading this series has been part of my life for a while, one of the more enjoyable parts of my day.


What will fill the void?


Cheers everyone

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You will find out who killed Asmo. Be careful not to mention wondering about it around the site though, or you may receive a spoiler as the author doesn't flat out state who did it but rather implies it. So some people have read all the books but need it pointed out to them. :P


The void might be filled with the Wheel of TIme movies, they have been converting the books to scripts for a long time now so who knows when they will finally make them? They really are wonderful though.

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Movies?!?! really? That would be quite an undertaking. I can't even imagine how they might go about doing that. I only found out that James Rigney Jr. died recently and I found out when one of my classmates saw the book that I was reading and is also a fan of the same series, and he told me about it. Me and him turned out to have many unexpected things in common, it is bizarre! Must be more ta'varen play. I sort of almost wish that I didn't know about that until after I completed the series, because I have become so accustomed to this author's writing style.. I would hope that the new author.. Sanderson, I would hope that there would be a seamless transition between Jordan's work and his, such that I wouldn't even notice that there was a different author if I wasn't told about it. Is that how it is?

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Universal has the rights right now and according to Brandon there's a script in the making!!!


He also stated early on that he wasn't going to try to copy the style of RJ--he'd write it in his own way while still being true to the world. There's a lot of things that are the same--he doesn't give quite as much attention to scenery, but still quite a bit, and I feel (though some would disagree with me) that he did a good job of staying true to the characters and the world.


And rereads are a good way to fill the void :) I know people who have read the series 8 times and still find something new that they didn't notice before on their 9th!!!

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Movies?!?! really? That would be quite an undertaking. I can't even imagine how they might go about doing that. I only found out that James Rigney Jr. died recently and I found out when one of my classmates saw the book that I was reading and is also a fan of the same series, and he told me about it. Me and him turned out to have many unexpected things in common, it is bizarre! Must be more ta'varen play. I sort of almost wish that I didn't know about that until after I completed the series, because I have become so accustomed to this author's writing style.. I would hope that the new author.. Sanderson, I would hope that there would be a seamless transition between Jordan's work and his, such that I wouldn't even notice that there was a different author if I wasn't told about it. Is that how it is?


Sanderson does have a different writing style, and he moves the plot more quickly, but he spent ages on it so no worries. He did a great job with the transfer. First chunk of the first book he wrote in the series was by Robert Jordan and I couldn't tell it switched until farther in.


So sad he died... He was loved...


You really must be a tav'aran play. Maybe you have Matt's luck as well?

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You really must be a tav'aran play. Maybe you have Matt's luck as well?


You know, sometimes I do! Unfortunately it's not consistent. Two summers ago, there was a time when I would go to a pub near my house and play the Video Lottery Terminal, and.. no word of a lie, I won at least $100 consistently, every time I went there, which was at least several times a week, and this lasted for several months! I was just rolling in the doe. It ran out eventually though, and I started losing more often than not.


But yes, I have always noticed strange coincidences happening in my life, things that seem extremely unlikely to happen. It occurs so frequently that it doesn't even phase me anymore, it's like magic.

Just for an example, I found out that a friend of mine who I met in an online BBS (back before the internet was widespread and we used phone lines and modems) went to high school with another friend of mine who I met through a separate circle, in a town hundreds of miles away. Or, if I'm thinking about someone, I will run into them in unlikely places.


I think there may be some truth to the notion that the pattern shapes itself around some people more so than others.

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Well, Matt was never consistent either. Is that a part of what attracted you to the series? A character had your type of luck? That would be amazing is if it did shape to you. We should find more people with your luck, put them all together and see if the pattern wiggles and if everything starts getting awesome and epic :D

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Well, Matt was never consistent either. Is that a part of what attracted you to the series? A character had your type of luck? That would be amazing is if it did shape to you. We should find more people with your luck, put them all together and see if the pattern wiggles and if everything starts getting awesome and epic :D


Hehhe no, I have always been a fan of fantasy novels and this fellow that I was friends with very briefly gave me a copy of Eye of the World. I held onto it for about a year before I finally decided to take a look at it, and I was hooked right away. I had no prior knowledge of the series or the author before reading the first book.

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So cool :) I wish I could do the same for some of my stuff...


Welcome to DM!!


Who is your least-favourite character?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions!


I hope you'll like it here!!


One thing that I was kind of wondering about, and I don't expect that anyone would have an answer to this, but ya never know.. about the geneology of Hawkwing's line. Tuon and Berelain are both direct descendants of Artur Hawkwing, yet Tuon has dark skin and Berelain has a fair complexion.

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Yeah I suppose it has been several thousand years. Thanks for the reply.


Another thing that's been bugging me is the deal that some of the Aes Sedai made with the Sea Folk's Windfinders. I would think that getting the weather back to normal is just as important to the Sea Folk as it is to the Aes Sedai or anyone else for that matter, so why did they have to sacrifice so much and make such a deal to get the Windfinders to help with the bowl of the winds? Why wouldn't the Windfinders do it for the same reason as the Aes Sedai - to get the weather back to normal? I would think that should be enough motivation in and of itself.

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Well they considered the Bowl of Winds to be their responsibility. I'm probably remembering this long but it was for the Aes Sedai to use it/participate which required the Bargain, yes?


They found the bowl (Aes Sedai) and they needed the Windfinders' help to use it because they have more knowledge about weather.

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