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So what is big on the musical front elsewhere in the world?


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Such a huge leading question!


My favorite big genre is prob metal, but I have a truly eclectic taste in music. It runs the gamut between bluegrass, hip hop, classic rock, pop, techno, reggae, blues, classical, jazz, prog, all kinds of stuff.


Overall tho I think modern music tends to be fairly unimaginitive, and saturated at that.

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I like Styx. I am by no means representative of my demographic.


I've never heard of them before but my 30 seconds of research tells me they are an older band. The 20 seconds of YouTube reminds me very much of queen lol


My favorite big genre is prob metal

There are a lot of metalheads (myself included) in the BT.

I like rock, pop, classic rock, some metal and the occasional rap song.


I really get this metal-head vibe lol


Oddly I have never really been into the 'metal" side of things. I suppose I went down more of a punk-rock path and ended up liking bands like:

  • Enter Shikari
  • Day to Remember
  • My Chemical Romance
  • The Living End (pre- their most recent album)
  • Etc

But that said I'm with Des in that I'm pretty eclectic with my tastes. My iPod reflects it lol

Then I realis this is turning into an epic post and shut myself up.....

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That's pretty good..... Ha you know more of Australia's new bands than I do tongue.gif


I'm just poking through my music wondering what I should share..... Then I realise I don't really know anyone on DM very well atm so who knows what will go down well!

I'll use something from Australia though......




It may not be an amazing video...... But I like the song lol




Have a look at this line up and let me know if any names stand out to you:


Ignore the NZ only bands lol

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Kanye West - hate him, can't say what I think of him without getting hit by the PG-13 sign though.


ha, concur



Architecture in Helsinki are alright (from the 2 songs I know.....). Very similar to The Ting-Tings, boppy with a female vocalist.


The Living End are great though. Them and MCR had better be one at different times or it may ruin my day lol


Other than that you almost cover the bands I know as well lol

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Didn´t recognize many of those bands. I listened to Soundgarden a lot many years ago but haven´t heard anything from them lately. Black hole sun is one of my favorite songs.


I listen to many different kinds of music. I have gone through rock, pop, grunge, rap, punk and trance. I´m not a fan of r´n´b or soul. My mood decides what to listen to. When I´m happy I listen to dance music and when I´m angry I listen to ehm, angry music etc.


I don´t listen much to Swedish music. You have surely heard of a few Swedish bands. I guess ABBA is still the most famous one. I like Robyn, have you heard about her? Here is one I like.




Here is an old song by Broder Daniel. The band doesn´t exist any longer. Some of their songs where in the movie Fu**ing Åmål, a great movie. I don´t know if it has an English translation but if it has you should watch it. It´s about being young in a small village.



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Didn´t recognize many of those bands. I listened to Soundgarden a lot many years ago but haven´t heard anything from them lately. Black hole sun is one of my favorite songs. ]


That's the one song of theirs that I know. I'll have to expand n that before January....

But it is pretty good.


Now when you say "angry" music does that branch into 'screamo' genres? I find those kind of cathartic when I'm in a mood lol



Unfortunately both of your clips are "unavailable in my location" dry.gif

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My daughter is into Brittney so I´m stuck with this song all day...


Not much screamo music. This one is the closest I get and it´s just a cute song. The band is Dead by April. I saw them last year but was very disappointed.





Since you couldn´t see the others:


1. Robyn - Handle me

2. Broder Daniel - Shoreline

3. Dead by April - Losing you



I will see if I can find some examples of angry music. :myrddraal:

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Now let's see:

I like the one by Robyn. Especially the film clip, the split screen thing works really well the aw they've done it.


Shoreline also good. Brodel daniels really put me in mind of The Killers in that one song lol


And when I say I like sceamo it's only in songs that have actual lyrics as well. Has to be a good mix. The level in that clip from Dead by April is great.

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