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My dear sweet Kin Folk! :)

Guest Tiren Sedai

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Guest Tiren Sedai

Its been so long since I've been around DM - but I think the Kin was one of my favorite groups! I would looove to rejoin! :) Can't wait to visit with you all again! So nice to be back.

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Guest Tiren Sedai

@ Kathleen: thankyou so much. Its so much fun to return - for the longest time I wasn't sure I'd be able to. But of course, my spirit was always here! ;)


@ Ahmoondah: nice to meet you too! :)


@ Lor: *tacklehuggs!!* :) Yes Ty is back! LOL and I'm doing wonderful, thankyou! How have you been? I could start on what all I've been up to , but it would take so long, its probabally best to save that for another toppic. What's all new with the Kin? I can't wait to start trading gifts and stories. I will tell you though, to get things started - I got married back on July 25, 2010. ;) Hehe - wasn't sure that would ever happen. Now we got a house, and 2 crazy hound dogs.... suuuuuper cute! I now keep honeybees (this is my second year doing that) and, also, I'll be having my own garden this coming spring. :) So much to catch up on!

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The Kin has been quiet, but I'm working on changing that since my phone can handle it. We need to get back to happy mail, too. Maybe November will be coupon-crazy month. LOL


You're here in time for Kin U @ Halloween!!!!


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Guest Tiren Sedai

oh yes married life is great thankyou! it was an awesome honeymoon too.. we took a two week honeymoon - and went fishing and baceball games. At first we went to see the Texas Rangers in Arlington, the most beautiful ball park ever! And they won.. I do forget the score though, but it was a great game :)! Then we went up to Lake Cado (Indian name) up in far north east Texas to go fishing. It was beautiful with the cypress trees growing right out of the water (it was shallow at the time, Texas has been in a major drought for the past 2 years) and all the spanish moss hanging everywhere. We did catch a few fish - about 6y or 7 Brem. Little tiny fish, kind of like croppie. They tasted super good to when we pan fried them up in our little honeymoon cabin we rented. Then after that we went down towards south Texas. The first stop down there was in Houston to go to the Astros game. It was great in their 5ish year old Minute Made Park. Thats the name of their ball park. Its an indoor park like the Astrodome used to be, but the top opens up - I don't remember if the Astrodome top opened or not, but I don't think it did. Anyways.. great game, and they won too - I also forget the score on that one. LOL. Then from Houston we drove farther down the coast line to Rock Port, its just around the bay from Corpis Cristy. And there we did salt water fishing, mostly bay fishing. But that was pretty fun. Even though I didn't catch anything there, it was too windy I think while we were down there. So thats the honeymoon. Dave is a great guy and you'd like him. I'll tell you all about him in our next post, and maybe in the near future I can figure out how to post up pictures of us :).

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Guest Tiren Sedai

Of course darlin, I'd be glad to catch some for you - if I could manage to catch any. LOl.... I went fishing all spring and summer this year, and all I was able to catch was my finger, my fold-out-chair I carry around, oh and a log floating down the river. LOL no fish - but who knows, this is the fall and one of the best times for fishin. Maybe my luck will turn around. ;)

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Guest Tiren Sedai

My dad and your dad would get along good. Dad loves to go fishing even if the fish arn't biting - he finds it relaxing.. I think thats the same reason I like to go so much. Dave and I go every chance we get. Now that it's fall I'm ready to go camping. I've wanted to go for the past 2 years but we haven't found the time for it.


Soooo.. is there a purple sash anywhere in the picture? ;)

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Guest Tiren Sedai

Ohhhh.... You had a baby!!!! Well why didn't you tell me silly woman! :) Is it boy or girl.. what's they're name? Tell me, tell me! :)

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Welcome back Tiren. :D I don't get on as much as I want to, but I do try to follow the forums via e-mailed updates as much as possible. :D I hope to see you around more. That sounds like an amazing and fun honeymoon. It reminds me of stories from my parents about their honeymoon at Six Flags.

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Guest Tiren Sedai

Thank you dear, Lyliann! :) Yes it was really a lot of fun and relaxing. I also hope to get to know you better! I'm also not on everyday, but I try to get on here every couple of days to make sure I don't miss anything, as well. LOL We'll see you around soon darlin :). *huggles*

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LOL, I have two, actually. Peanut is four and Tadpole is 12 weeks. I don't post their names online, though. You never know what wacko is reading public posts these days! Both of them are absolutely beautiful girls guaranteed to make their Daddy's hair turn white by the time they reach dating age (which my husband says is somewhere around 30 or so). Poor babies...

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