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Long Absence...So Hello :)


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watches as the new babun kicksin and horus starts singing the collingwood theme song loudly...



AH what do u mean what do i mean?? the mighty cav!! its a regiment of the band!! the BEST regiment!!




and horrie retaking the band aussie style would be awesome....i miss tal...and my little sarm!!

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Wowooo!!! Congratulations, belated as they are, on the engagement. Must be 1 lucky fella!! :biggrin:


he is! :) I'm super excited! Wedding planning is fun but stressful....


lol jea now drinks, loads has happened round here :biggrin:


You know, a good glass of sangria does help calm the nerves....a lot! Especially after the week I've had!

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Taluka looking slightly dusty and more than a little hungover staggers into the group singing out of tune.



She suddenly notices a few familiar faces in the crowd


Hey Horus... long time no see my friend, how are you? she tackles him to the ground in a huge bear hug


OMG is that Dicey? she rushes across toward him and trips over her feet flying into Dicey and sending them both hurtling through a near by wall How have you been my brother? What's been happenin in my absence from DM? and better yet where is my DAMN HORSE???????


So how is everyone? I couldn't get back into DM on my old account, I forgot my pword and I think hotmail deleted my account *pouts*

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*winces knowing that a few ribs are cracked*


TAL!!!! Welcome back, my banded!!! Wooo now let the good times roll!! :biggrin:


*hands out brews left, right and center*


Drink up people and get this party started!

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diuce smacks his head on the ground "owww i see tals back ...."


grabs her hugs lifts and spins in one motion til they fall down agin



pokes her ribs " whats with asking ME!!! about your horse??? i wouldnt do anything to it....much...but i think hes hanging with bunyan. just dont blame me if he picked up bunyans ummmm manners


"OI!! Silver!! make with the booze bro!"

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