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Did Jordan intend Taim to be Demandred in Book 6?


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Honestly, the epilogue in book 6 makes a lot of sense if you assume Taim = Demandred. I, and other people whose opinion I have read, strongly feel that Robert Jordan intended for Taim to be Demandred all along, but then changed his mind when he found out how many people had figured it out.


What do you think?


Honestly, the epilogue in book 6 makes a lot of sense if you assume Taim = Demandred. I, and other people whose opinion I have read, strongly feel that Robert Jordan intended for Taim to be Demandred all along, but then changed his mind when he found out how many people had figured it out.


What do you think?


Why does this still come up?


Demandreds entire goal is to kill Rand, its even more important to him than becoming Nae'blis, according to Brandon. Walking right up to Rand and not only being amused, but doing so out in the open and then publicly submitting to Rands will really really REALLY sounds like the kind of thing Demandred would do doesnt it


Think about it from an authors perspective for a bit. RJ had a lot of the story mapped out before he even began seriously writing. Throughout the books we see loads of foreshadowing, loads of carefully manipulating threads into the right position at the right time, etc etc.

For him to then out of the blue make a change like the one proposed here would mean having to re-plan Demandreds entire character, as well as changing Taim so he makes sense. This at a time when RJ might have noticed that his planned trilogy had grown into six books, and he was barely halfway through the story.


Then there is RJs comment about never having changed anything because of comments from the fanbase, but that is just too easybiggrin.gif


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