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I come bearing gifts to our leader (and anyone else who just loves cheese ^^)

I know it's hard to behold the awesome power, but it's just so delicious!





...5 points...It would have been more if this wouldn't have made me seriously want some Cheez Its, bad.

man, this thread took an unexpected somber turn.


*steals cheez-its and ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuns*


Nuuuuuuuuu! *dashes after his bonded, hoping she'll share*

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cheese and popcorn are a lovely combination. and heart problems are not as simple as all that to predict. nor are the effects of cheese.


also - medical advice - running and biking are more likely to dead you before your time than sitting in front of the puter with a bowl of popcorn and cheese.

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collisions, accidents, head and spinal injuries, and sudden death from heart attack or CVA much more likely with biking and running.


and what we really know about specific food and its effects on the heart or any other organs is just about nothing.


genetics is a big player there.


also, if we're talking CAD, the treatements for that are pretty flipping perfect at this point. and HTN is notnecessarily sodium dependent, and can be easily treated with meds in mostcases.


so, cheese up the popcorn and sit yourself down. and don't worry. it'll kill ya.

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The spinning things were good. My Grandma has a "magic kettle" that makes absolutely AMAZING popcorn though. She doesn't want it anymore and my aunts are literally arguing tons about who gets it :P


"It's a dangerous business... going out your door."

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