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Moment of weakness?!?

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

It is currently 12.25pm GMT.


I have a job interview at 4.00pm.


Nervous! Damn it I was fine up til today. My hearts been pounding away since I got up!

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

I quite understand that, but try to calm down a bit. The calmer, the better.


Everything will be fine and you're gonna make it anyway! :wink:

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There are some foods which naturally help reduce stress and anxiety. Grab yourself some Brazil nuts, or a couple of Kiwi's and a cup of green tea. You can also eat some oatmeal cookies, a piece of dark chocolate and a glass of milk. All those foods are good on their own, but those combos can work miracles.

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

there are some exotic tastes that can well be missed out. :wacko:


so, how did it go? i hope our mental and moral support helped you at least a bit... :mellow:

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Thanks all! Much appreciative stabbities.


I think it went well, but it was an incredibly informal interview so its hard to judge! I gave satisfactory answers to the questions she asked, I know I did, but there was some definite character reading going on, I could feel it.


There are some foods which naturally help reduce stress and anxiety. Grab yourself some Brazil nuts, or a couple of Kiwi's and a cup of green tea. You can also eat some oatmeal cookies, a piece of dark chocolate and a glass of milk. All those foods are good on their own, but those combos can work miracles.


Hahahahaha I got a cup of tea from their cafe while waiting and seared my tongue to near uselessness.

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actually causes increased anxiety in social situations, plus, would fail company physical, plus, just say no.


my own advice is go on every interview humanly possible, even, maybe especially, for jobs you don;t want, cause they're all very similar, and you get less anxious every time. google the company, cause they'll expect you o know and care about it. google "hwo to do well in job interviews," "how to answer interview questions," etc., cause some good advice already compiled for you out there.


and don;t worry, we love you and you can sleep on eclipse's couch if you have to.

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actually causes increased anxiety in social situations


Actually, that's an oversimplified generalization. Just as alcohol can be a social lubricant as well as a social deterrent, so, too, can the ganja.



actually, i bet i know these things as well as you, and probably for much much longer.


but i post from work a lot of the time, and at work there is no sense of...


and also, on PG13 websites, there is very little sense of...


so though i could talk for days and weeks and years on this subject, possibly having devoted significant time to the study, and likely agree with many of your thoughts, hypothetically, and fictionally, because i would never really do such a terrible, terrible thing as break any law, for shame, just say no, i sadly, cannot...


sigh... this is making me want to do bad things. :madmyrddraal:



um, but, not for a job interview. and i don't know where you live, but in the US more than 80% of companies tes for hiring, so...


ya, anyway, just say no. hat's my official position, for the purposes of this public forum.




i just feel like shairng these dylan lyrics for no particular reason, please have patience with an old woman. who struggles with no, like you cannot possibly imagine.




China doll, alcohol, duality, mortality

Mercury rules you and destiny fools you

Like the plague, with a dangerous wink

And there’s no time to think





You’ve murdered your vanity, buried your sanity

For pleasure you must now resist



Stripped of all virtue as you crawl through the dirt

You can give but you cannot receive


No time to choose when the truth must die

No time to lose or say goodbye

No time to prepare for the victim that’s there

No time to suffer or blink

And no time to think

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Aw, dude, you didn't say there would be character judgment going on. You were doomed from the start, young'un. ;)






Im the oldest Ive ever been! 26 can barely be considered young-ish these days.


Other than that


I be immortalz!!!!!!!!


And the herbal talk made the corners of my mouth quirk up in like a kind of 0.5 of a smile type thing.

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