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Welcome to the Black Tower, Asha'man Dave

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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yay, and super punctual! welcome welcome welcom, thrice, well, no, quadrice welcome!


i am overtired, but very glad i was here to greet you. when more responsible people show up you will get officially welcoming pm type stuff.


but in the meantime, enjoy the tainty brownie buzz.

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*steals a brownie*


Okay, how do you people get wind of new people arriving? I want in on teh hot thread points.


*twaps Maw*


Atleast say hi to the newbie if you're gonna steal his brownies...


and to answer your question, the "New Members Post Here" thread, lol


*notices the newbie gave him the evil eye*




*gives Asha'Dave the googly eye*




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*steals a brownie*


Okay, how do you people get wind of new people arriving? I want in on teh hot thread points.


*twaps Maw*


Atleast say hi to the newbie if you're gonna steal his brownies...


and to answer your question, the "New Members Post Here" thread, lol


*notices the newbie gave him the evil eye*




*gives Asha'Dave the googly eye*



*changes mood quickly, smiles and looks around nervously* was i saying you? i meant the eclipse in the sky :smile: *trying to put on best face*

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Hmmm, i forgot to say hi didn't i. Well, here's a warm welcome from me. The shadow faction can always use more members. Or should i leave that part to Tina?


You're one of them now, it's your job to recruit. Tina's just better at seduction than you, don't let it stop you from trying though...

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is ok, my mood swings outshine all others, you are behaving beautifully. just watch out for the skunk eye. i gets going fast if i see that...



Or the Brown Eye, that's not a good one either...


ok im going to ask a stupid question lol. whats a skunk or brown eye? lol

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