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Thank you Nyn. Diggin the new avatar btw, what better way to deceive people and catch them unawares then with those puppy dog eyes and disarming smile, just so they'll be that much more hurt when you cuckold them.


PS I'm really glad I found a way to put cuckold into a sentence here.

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That will do, my evil minion.


50 pts for the head

10 pts for the sultry vixen comment.


Can I give you the 10 points back Lily, or at least accomplish another task for you? One of your minions shouldn't have to be rewarded for stating the obvious... :myrddraal:


dang, i would totally give you 100 points for that post, and for the litter box, though the snark was unnecessary.


sadly, i have no points to give. but serious props, desp.


Thank you, thank you Cindy. I need no points from you, just allow me to stroke your luxurious feline fur :happy:


I like this one. Can I keep him? Just think of it as 60 for Ed's head, Des.

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Thank you Nyn. Diggin the new avatar btw, what better way to deceive people and catch them unawares then with those puppy dog eyes and disarming smile, just so they'll be that much more hurt when you cuckold them.


PS I'm really glad I found a way to put cuckold into a sentence here.


I agree the word cuckold doesn't get used enough anymore. Quite like the word hieroglyph, there just aren't enough ways to work hieroglyphs into a sentence anymore.


I disagree about Nyn's new avatar. While the puppy eyes are cute and all, I miss the Cleavage of Doom.

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I actually find it's easier to use hieroglyph in a sentence than cuckold. Anytime you want to describe ineligible handwriting, script in foreign language, or even the practice of anything extremely difficult, hieroglyph can be a very useful word to insert for flavoring.

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*takes notes*


My partner in crime at work and I heard someone use it once as a verb in a sentence. It took a second but we but realized they meant to use the word 'teleport'. So now we use it in the office all the time as a joke whenever we want to talk non-sense. But now I'm gonna throw him off by using it in context!

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