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I'm a person who lives in a place. Arguably its called the plant Earth. I do "things" for an occupation which pays me money. Thats right... money.... not Snickers bars.... just plain ol' cash. And only "things"... i dont do "stuff". I'm just not that kinda guy


I tend to have opinions ... usually that I espouse just for the sake of shock value or to play devils advocate. I dont believe half of what I know and less than half of what I say.


I tend to enjoy fantasy books.... I love the thought that one person, or a small group of people, can make a big difference in the world. Its delightfully different from reality. I guess thats why we like fantasy as well.... because it is an escape from reality.


I've read the entire series at least twice and parts of it a dozen times or so. I dont claim to be an "expert" and theres stuff that crops up on here from time to time that corrects my misperceptions about things. Like that post by that douchebag which spells out exactly how tEotW is a rip off of LotR. Gee thanks pal.. way to ruin WoT for me. :biggrin:


I'm impressed by the way DM is run - compared to other WoT sites. Some people get really rude and rabid about their WoT. You sicken me.


Some of you are very... interesting ... characters and you amuse me greatly. Thankyou for being so flawed and weird.


To the enemies i've yet to make and the friends that will come to rue the day they acquired me ...



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*laughs* Welcome!


That's quite an intro there. Made me smile >.> And I have to agree, weird people are a hell of a lot more interesting than 'normal' ones. Whatever that means nowadays, really.


As for the site itself, it sounds like you've gave it a thorough look. Just to be on the safe side, though, I will just say that you should check out the Discussion Boards, Social Group Boards and Role Play Boards. So basically, I'm suggesting you check all boards, which sure, seems more like 'Duh!' than an actual good advice... but some settle in one section of DM and don't give the rest half a chance... and I think that's a real shame.


I'm looking forward to see you around. You seem like an intriguing person :) If you have any questions or just want to chat some, feel free to contact me via a private message.








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Teeeeheeee I like you already ;) Welcome to dm!!!


So when has the world been changed by anything but a small group of individuals? It was a small group who organized the founding of America and the Civil rights movement. It was a small group of people who dropped the atomic bomb. It was probably a small group of people who invented fire. Small groups change the world all of the time


So which parts/characters are your favorites thus far? And how far along in the series are you?

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Teeeeheeee I like you already ;) Welcome to dm!!!


So when has the world been changed by anything but a small group of individuals? It was a small group who organized the founding of America and the Civil rights movement. It was a small group of people who dropped the atomic bomb. It was probably a small group of people who invented fire. Small groups change the world all of the time


So which parts/characters are your favorites thus far? And how far along in the series are you?


Why thankyou :)


I thought we just established I dont like people shattering my illusions. Geez!!

Go gentle on me haha :biggrin:


Ummm i've read the whole series so far... although its been a while... i'm just starting a re-read/relisten (i listen to the audiobooks as well as I can do this easily when driving/commuting).


My favourite parts were...... pretty much the whole first 6 books..... although especially the flight from the Two rivers, the battle at falme, the taking of tear, the defence of the two rivers, battle for cairhein, dumais wells etc.


Favourite characters are the 3 boys.... for different reasons. Matt because he's funny and the way he reacts when responsibility is thrust upon him ... perrin because he's a standup kinda bloke and I really loved his defence of his home town against the trollocs and the way he built up the Two Rivers... rand because at heart is a good guy who is forced to be utterly badass and because he gets 3 girlfriends who are all hot. (jealous much? haha)


I like how nynaeve has progressed as a character (even if it took her getting laid to lighten up a little!!) and while i dislike her a resonable amount... evne egwene has had some great character progression. I cant stand elayne or gawyn :(


Taim is awesome. I"m a big fan of him as a bad guy. He's very sinister and harsh. I love his method of training the ashaman and how he scares everyone with how quickly he built them up and turned them into lethal weapons. I'm a little let down by the forsaken generally :(


Ituralde is just too good. :ph34r:

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Well you could probably fit in to any of our social groups here! Shayol Ghul would probably be good ;) Mat people to the BotRH, Perrin people to the Wolfkin, a lot of military peeps go to the WT to be Warders but you don't like Aes Sedai, and as for the others just poke around and see which atmosphere you like the most :)


People usually either love or hate Nyneave and Egwene. I happen to love both of them--Egwene really annoyed me in the first few books but grew on my and Nyneave may be stubborn and irritating but she's trying to protect those important to her. Aviendha's my #1 though. Not entirely sure why... She's just awesome and has a unique perspective on things.


I also am fond of all three of the boys. I thought Mat was a complete idiot at first but now he's one of my favorites. I love his growth and how he handles all of the responsibility he suddenly finds himself with. He's also one of my favs.


Other favorites include Siuan, Verin, the Wise Ones, and Rhuarc.


Elayne also annoys me a bit, but not nearly as much as Min. I know most of the world loves Min, but I just think she's too obsessed with Rand and kinda completely lost her marbles over him. Most others won't agree but that's my opinion.


I'm on KoD in my reread my favorite books war actually the last few :P

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*Happy sigh* I can still remember when I introduced myself on dm.... It was about two months ago :P



Seems like sooo much longer than that.... Feels like this has been a part of my life forever



And you've already chalked up a thousand+ posts?? Thats an effort :D


Feels like DM has been part of your life forever? or WoT ?


Or greeting new people on the forums? lol


I take it you're the nostalgic type :p

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