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Channeling Saidin 101 Sign Up Thread


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Son of a... I guess I'll clean the erasers...


*channels a weave of earth and air to remove the chalk from the erasers forming it into a powdery white ball*


Hmm, where to dispose of this...


*opens a gateway into TMD's quarters and sents the powder bomb under his pillow*


Well, that should be entertaining.

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Okay this is going to start this weekend at the latest despite the lack of sign ups. 5 points to anyone who gets someone else to sign up before class starts though.


Eclipse, you should prolly read the first post. :biggrin:


Neat...though I dunno if I will even have electricity this weekend. We're right in the center of the path of Hurrican Irene for Sat. night. So...if I don't jump all over this this weekend, I'm probably sitting in the dark listening to the wind howl through my possibly broken eindows. Eep. O-o

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